Chapter 6

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YN:” Try it with me then

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YN:” Try it with me then.Let’s fall for each other and throw every unimportant existence out.”An eye contact was made between the two, He kept looking in those eyes trying to find any iota of lies, hypocrisy or betrayal yet he couldn’t find it.Maybe just like before he was maybe too bad in reading eyes.But if this time he is not able to understand her true intentions then he must truly stop meeting eyes with someone…..especially in this cunning world where everyone is a hypocrite.A two faced human being hiding behind the mask of his perfection.

You and me are like that, trying to find some honesty in this world but at the end failing miserably. It was better to not start anything instead of getting yourself in the darkest pitch of well from where there is no return.

Receiving no replies from him she moved forward cupping his cheeks.”Why? Is every person a cheater to you?” She smiled gently, She knew how bad his  trust was broken for him to still not able to move over. For him to still cry in darkness over her instead of getting angry on her.For him to never able to trust anyone and he was not wrong either.It was his rights to doubt everyone. Even after facing this if he go around trusting everyone then he would be a fool.

YN:” Then, May I say you are a cheater too? You are betraying your own feelings, who are screaming to try it out who are screaming to hold me and let go of all the past shitty happenings, I know Jungkook you want to try it--”

Suddenly she felt cold yet soft lips on her silencing her voice.She felt his cold large hands pulling her closer to a strong chest embracing her within his arms. Both of their bodies were shaking in cold at this time but their lips started molding against each other giving in each other’s touch.The water that was engulfing them in it’s cold failed to render his work when all they were focused on the burst out of emotions within them.She felt her heart beat rising within it’s chest to extent it might jump out soon.

She started realizing all her emotions towards him,why she missed him that much why she always wanted to be near him.she wanted him, she wanted to be with him. She wanted to heal his pain. All her questions were answered without a word spoken.

He brushed his fingers in the back of her head locking them in her strands as they pulled back for a moment with their eyes still closed just to find their way to each other’s lips again.Was it right? Maybe he must really try it. He was young, he had a bright future ahead. Ruining his life over a betrayal would be a stupidity.

Jungkook :"even If I am trying, I don't want you to feel like I am using you. Even if you are trying to help me. I had rather accept you and gladly claim you mine."

The words escaped his voice holding the determination and her heart skipped a beat as if the words were not what she was wishing to hear. She was not just a toy to be used and thrown away after the work was done. Instead he was willing to claim her, his.

YN:"I happily accept. I don't wish anything more than your true behaviour towards me." she smiled and kissed him once again, calming down his each insecurity. To him, it was a new start which he was willing to start with her it it might still take him time to trust anyone.

YN :" It's cold. "she pulled back sniffling a bit and that's when the realization hit both of them that they were shivering in cold. She instantly turned off the tap and got up holding the tub feeling her legs going numb so close to give up on her.

He got up, realizing his fingers were hardly moving anymore.


There they both sat in front of fireplace with blankets wrapped around both of them. Their cold was still not going away they were definitely better than before. She sneezed wiping her nose with tissue and the floor in front of her was almost filled with wasted tissues.

YN :"Ah Jinjja it's all because of you!"

Jungkook :"Me!? What the….. ArAre you just putting it all on me now. You idiot could turn off the tap it would take a second!"

YN :"YAH I was going to but your sad ass didn't let me. How ungrateful Jinjja!!"

He scoffed hearing that and bowed his head a bit down in front of her in irony.

Jungkook :"Thank you so much your highness, for your kindness! But you got both of us sick. You know what a busy person I am."

YN :" huh busy my foot! Were you not busy staying here for the whole day. You even ate all of my food you pig!"
He blinked his eyes pointing at himself with his poker face.

Jungkook :" Did You just call me a Pig!!! "

YN :" Don't shout here! My neighbours are going to call the police and I will tell them you are a thief"

Jungkook :" Hahaha very funny. Are they idiots. I obviously didn't harm you nor took anything.

YN :" But you stole all of my food!"
She threw a pillow at him and right there started their cushion fight and soon enough their blankets were off of them as the two ran around the lounge like two 5 year old kids chasing each other while laughing and shouting and in between their bickering also took place 

The Tom and Jerry play continued for half an hour and they both got quite warmed up. There they both ended up sleeping with Jungkook resting his back against couch sitting in floor with his leg straight in front of him slightly parted and Yn's head on his lap laying comfortably on blanket. The fire was keeping their bodies warm and they drifted off to their beautiful dreamland.


Jungkook - Betrayal [Short Series] ✅Where stories live. Discover now