Chapter 4

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She suddenly ran after him

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She suddenly ran after him. Not this time her heart was ready to let him go once again. What will be left anyways? Regret? No she was not allowing it to creep up inside her once again.

Catching up to him she slowed down matching his steps and let out few breaths to calm down after running that much.

Jungkook :"Stop following me."
He reached his car in the parking area and unlocked it getting in letting out an annoyed sigh when she got in too in the passenger seat.

Jungkook : "Can you just Stop stalking me!"

YN :"Oh gosh what are you so rude for I let you stay in my home for a whole night and and and even gave you hot chocolate."

She whined loudly pulling her legs up, hugging them out of the cold turning on the heater like it was her own car to start with.

Jungkook :"So you want me to take you with me to home and let you stay there a whole night too."

YN: " H-huh…. I-i mean I just wanted hot chocolate and you directly skipped to home part.". She mumbled and looked away fanning her face, now the heater wasn't helping at all she wished she didn't turn it on. Oh god how embarrassing it was. He really got the art to misunderstand her each time.

He sighed starting the car and drove off to any near by cafe. But the main problem was there was no cafe near by great Jungkook. Just get the hot chocolate and get over this.

YN :"Why you are looking mad like I did something wrong to you."

He stayed quiet and focused on the road ahead of him. The winters were here already, the city lights, black sky and cars driving past them  really gave such peaceful vibes specially when you are a night drive lover. Her hands were itching to play a soft music and so she did and surprisingly enough he didn't say anything.

She was right after all. She didn't do him anything wrong; he didn't have to be rude towards her especially when all she was doing is successfully distracting him from The gold digger and the pain that comes along it.

After a few minutes passed by he stopped at the red light and turned to look at her who was looking out still hugging her knees as her feet rested above the seat. He turned the heater one level above assuming it was not enough to provide her the heat her body needed.

YN :"I still don't know your name."
Names…. Right.

Jungkook :" Jeon Jungkook"

YN :"Park YN."
She snickered a bit, turning to look at him and he nodded finally giving her his gentle expressions making her sigh out in relief.

Jungkook :"You must be a university student."

YN :"Wrong I am not that young now. I have a job…. Eh no… Had one actually."
She let out awkwardly scratching back of her neck, gaining confused expressions from him.

YN :" that day when you saved me in alley. He was my boss so… I Kind of need some time to start it again. It's just… So hard to know whom to trust and who not to."

His eyes hovered above hers then down at her fingers fiddling against each other trying to find proper words how to describe the tragedies life make us witness. He could clearly understand sometimes when we are left so broke that we are never able to trust anyone again. Makes sense when they say in today's century never trust anyone no matter how much dear they are to you.

Turning his attention back to road when the light turned green he started the car again. The ride went silent yet it was not annoying. It was the peaceful silence that was needed at the moment to relax both of them internally and gather their thoughts

At some points we might think no one can understand or match the level of the pain we are in but everyone in this world is going through the same pain only the reason is different. That's what she thought about him hearing his betrayal and that's what he was thinking about her. What could be more scarier for a normal girl than the fear of being raped and never be able to enjoy the freedom like once she used to. Never be able to talk to anyone again without getting nervous and the feeling to run back home and lock inside the room where you feel all safe.


Kinzey stumbled back in the shared apartment of her and his boyfriend. All happy and chirping Around. That's it. She made up her mind. For someone like her that suited her taste and personality. The feelings love and honesty never mattered anyways.

Entering the bedroom she spotted her boyfriend with whom she cheated on Jungkook-Jaehyun. She wasn't the type of person to start first, she would rather show it with her moves which would make the other go crazy so she stomped to closet gaining his attention who was half asleep and grabbed a suit case bringing it out and start shoving her clothes in it.

Jaehyun: " Kinzey, what happened, what are you doing."
He instantly got down the bed walking up to her. His sleep is long gone now seeing her ready to leave him behind.

Kinzey :"I don't want to stay with you. I am breaking up."
Widening his eyes he grabbed her wrist who kept taking rounds of closet and room bringing her needed things packing then up.

Jaehyun :" What do you mean about breaking up. Hey did I do something wrong I will apologize for god sake tell me what happened ."

He went full on panicking mode seeing the cold expressions in her eyes when she yanked her arm out of his grip in a swift motion stepping back.

Kinzey:" Isn't the reason enough I don't want to stay with you. I am warning you, don't you dare show me your face ever again!"

Grabbing her bag she stomped out of the room without looking back once at him leaving him in a complete shock. No matter how much he tried thinking where he was wrong or if he made her angry he couldn't think of one. They were going all great even in the morning before she left to go outing with friends.

But the truth was he was wrong. He was wrong knowing what kind of person she is, still trusted her. Him and Kinzey together cheated on Jungkook. She already liked Jaehyun but was with Jungkook only for his money and when she got the chance again she would never miss on it. After leaving Jungkook when she moved in with Jaehyun she realized how much she was used to that lifestyle. Jaehyun was no doubt rich and gave her all necessaries yet they could never compare to the level of Luxury Jungkook gave her. She felt suffocated in the apartment no matter it was big yet not as much as Jungkook's penthouse. She wanted that lifestyle back even if it cost her staying with Jungkook whom she have no interest in.

She got in a cab and straight to Jungkook's penthouse. She knew he will accept her. If he didn't have to why would he forgive her and even hug her. She thought he would be so angry at her but to her surprise he was still the idiot like before even after such a big Betrayal. But she was not complaining about it though. It was bringing her the luxury back she wouldn't ask for more.


YN sat on a table near the glass display looking at the city lights outside and he went to order hot chocolate for her and a cup of coffee for himself. He really had a long day from the morning going to office then coming back just to be attacked by his friends. No matter how much he rejected them they still dragged him to the club then meeting Kinzey and now this.

Yet if he still had to tell what was the time in whole day where he could relax a bit he would mention these hours he was spending with this girl. Somehow she was healing him. It's like he was enjoying the time he was spending with her making him distract from all the shit that was going on in his life.

He was somehow thankful to her for following him like this.

He came back sitting down opposite to her on the same table gaining her attention serving her hot chocolate. "Thank you" she smiled softly putting her both hands around the cup to warm them up.

Jungkook :"You should have brought a coat along.It's cold at night."
He himself had nothing over him except for the button up black shirt and even its first two buttons were opened making her wonder didn’t he feel cold or anything.

She took few sips of hot drink that calmed her muscles and she felt so at relief at the warmth inside her.

Jungkook :"I was wondering if you want then you can work in my office."
She looked up at him giving him a bit confused expression then thinking about it for a moment. She didn't know if she was really ready for it yet but at the end of the day she had to start working again before she gets lazy. She didn't want her father to keep sending her money when she should hold the responsibility herself.

YN :"What kind of person, your boss is?"

Jungkook :"I have the company under me. I am the CEO.Jeon Enterprises."

"huh?" was all that escaped her lips before her eyes widened, remembering the one of the big three companies of the country. Jeon Enterprises was always in competition with them somehow most of the times it always beat others being the inspiration for others.

YN:"But you are so young and it's like the dream company anyone would want to join and I had no idea such a young person is behind all the inspiration."

Jungkook :"I got this in heirance. It's been 4 years now."

YN: " But you are not like that in reality. You are so rude tsk no where near any inspiration.
She scrunched her nose taking sips of her drink internally laughing at the reaction he was giving her. Oh gosh he was so funny is all she could think. But the fact she was really sitting in front of the CEO of her dream company was something else.

YN:"Don't give me that face. You always took me wrong and such an intelligent business man would never."
She crossed her arms over her chest after finishing the hot chocolate just to start craving for it all over again.

Jungkook :"Because you made yourself look like a stalker."

YN :"Yah I didn't wah gosh seriously you are again taking me wrong."
She slumped back in seat when they heard something….. Heavy Raindrop hitting the glass making them snap their eyes out taking out cells instantly checking the weather. Where the hell the rain was coming from at this hour not was not a part of today's forecast.

Jungkook :"C'mon Let's go Back I will drive you home."
The two instantly got up going to car before the rain gets heavy as the current forecast was showing. As soon as they stepped out the cafe, goosebumps prickled on their skin by the amount of chill and cold strong wind flowing by.

Everyone around was running here or there trying to take shelter because if the unexpected heavy rain. Thank fully they had the car so they didn't have to wait till the rain stop.

Or maybe they did….

YN:"What's wrong."
She looked at rubbing her arms waiting for him to turn on the car so she could turn on heaters but he simply slumped back in his seat.

Jungkook :"No fuel. "
What was the list again, office, friends, club, Kinzey, YN, Rain, petrol and now the stupid cold that was getting unbearable. Oh for god sake this day couldn't go wrong anymore.

YN : "WHAT Hey! What's the use of keeping this expensive ass car when you can't keep it full!"
Oh right now her whines too.

Jungkook :"It went out of my notice okay and whose fault it is. If you didn't ask for hot chocolate we would be home by now."

YN :"so you are saying it's my fault huh huh you are so bad so so bad."
She whined, hitting his arm and hugged herself curling up while shivering a bit cause of the cold. She was really not someone who could handle the cold weather.

Jungkook :"Okay I am sorry we both are at fault happy now."

YN : " Nyo It's only your fault."
She said in her tiny voice and sniffed curling up more but he grabbed her pulling her back making her sit up straight.

Jungkook :"Okay only my fault now if you want you can take my warmth until you want to stay there and keep shaking in cold till the rain stops."

She stayed there a few seconds looking at him debating if she should or not but then she unbuckled her belt getting up . Only if she had a coat this wouldn't be happening.

She moved near his seat sitrin on his lap as he moved the seat backwards in a laying position but not completely. It was still high from back.

Her heart started beating at a rapid pace at the closeness between them when he wrapped his arms around her and she instantly snuggled in his embrace closing eyes. He was not that warm either but slowly in each other's embrace they started feeling the warmth of their bodies against each other making them both drive off to the peaceful wonderland of their dreams.

Jungkook - Betrayal [Short Series] ✅Where stories live. Discover now