The Breakup, Part 2

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"What happened?" Phoenix asked Rory while Vic held her hand and Lorelai rubbed her back.

"We broke up, we just broke up." Rory said simply making the other couple share a look, while Vic subtly slipped off her ring,  putting it in the pocket of her shorts, now wasn't the time.

Lorelai pulled back in confusion, Rory and Dean were always so happy together.

"But I don't understand." Vic said, her grip tightening on her sister's hand. 

The couple was so good together, there was no reason for them to break up.

"We - we went to dinner and then we walked by the bonfire but it wasn't lit so we went to this junkyard and we sat in this car and then - oh God!" Rory exclaimed shocking the other three with her.

"What?" Phoenix asked in concern, what happened now.

"I forgot your meatball in the car." The older Gilmore twin exclaimed while looking at the twins mother.

"Oh honey, forget it." Lorelai dismissed, that wasn't important right now, what was important was the fact that Rory looked like she was perfectly fine.

Phoenix glanced at his girlfriend, what was running through her sister's head.

"Oh I can't believe I left your meatball in the car." Rory said with a small smile causing the other three to look at her in confusion.

"After I told the waiter to wrap it up and everything. And everyone was like 'what do you want with one meatball?' And I was like 'It's a mother/daughter thing.' And I'm sure he thought I was nuts but he was so nice and he did it anyway and he uh, he brought one of those tin foil swans or duck or some kind of bird and - and then I left it in the car." Rory said while puling away from the three people who were trying to comfort her.

"Ok, forget about the meatball ok? Just tell us what happened." Vic ordered waving off the meatball issue, it wasn't important.

"He just broke up with me ok?" Rory shrugged it off, her smile still on her face which only caused them even more confusion.

"That doesn't make sense. This is Dean we're talking about. He's crazy about you. He calls like 25 times a day. Have you seen the cover of his notebook? It's one step away from stalker material." Phoenix said which made all three Gilmore's blink at him, Vic never really looked that deep into her sister's boyfriends antics. 

Was Dean really that bad when it came to Rory?

"I have to go to bed." Rory said while standing up making the couple sigh. Seriously?

"We're gonna head to bed also." Vic said leaning over to kiss her mother on the cheek before leading her boyfriend upstairs to her room.

Lorelai had agreed that the couple could both stay in her room tonight, they both had a long day and just needed each other.



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