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TAEHYUNG is busy nowadays. They have a big event this month so he need to work hard. While typing he heard some voices inside the office.

"Did you heard the news?? They said this event Sir Jungkook's ex will come."

"Oh?! Is that true? You are not lying?!"

"It's really true. Come on I have some things to say, but it should be our secret."

Suddenly, Taehyung become curious and he put his chair near at them but he is still typing on his computer, he didn't make it obvious that he is curious too.

"I saw Sir Jungkook's cabinet and saw a picture frame with his ex, she is super pretty and I realized I have no any chances!"

Picture? Is it picture frame?

"Really? It's a waste that I didn't see it, but if it's really true then I won't ask for some chances in Sir's life anymore!"

"Stop hoping! Even the prettiest girl can be replace then how 'bout you?"

"Come on let's go before our boss arrive!"

He bite his lips and his eyes stuck on the screen. Picture? He remember that there's a one box there that his boss didn't allowed him to touch it, maybe his ex's picture is there.

He sigh deeply. If he only like girls, then why did he kiss him? What is this? Fooling around? Are they playing?

Why is it so big deal to me?? It's just a kiss!

He close his eyes and thinks that he is really crazy. He was about to go back to his work when his boss arrive, he smile and down his head as respect.

"Mr. Kim can you check the schedule for the next event?" He said while checking his watch.

"Yes sir." He get his iPad and check the schedule of the event."May sir. May 15."

"Oh. Today is May 8, right?" He nod. He roam his eyes around."Come with me. Let's check the venue, I want it to be perfect just like me." He wink at him and he look away.

"Okay sir."

While they are walking he also check and roam his eyes around. I guess this is good. There's a big space and I think the people who will attend won't be mess up.

"How's the place? Can you finish it before May 13?" He is just behind his boss'.

"Sir. Actually, the place is still not ready. There's still some things we need to fix especially the old things, we still think how to hide it sir." His boss' massage his forehead because of what he heard.

He can see how stress his boss are. He bite his lips because he found it cute. His eyes got widen when he realize what he was thinking. What the hell he think that way?!

"Why you didn't tell me that you still didn't hide it?" He said and clearly irritated. His boss about to leave when he suggest something.

"There's an area that it's vacant, right? Is it management department?" They nod at him.

"Yes Mr. Kim, that faculty is still free and vacant we still didn't use it and we still have no applicant so, we still didn't use it." He nodded.

"Then, evacuate the things and you put it there just temporary. You need to finish it tomorrow, make sure no things left okay?" They nod and respectfully leave for them to start the work.

He sigh deeply and look at his boss' who's now staring at him.

"Why a-are you looking at me like that sir?" He shook his head and smile. That was their last survey for today, when they leave that place he feels relief.

"You did a great job. No doubt if you can easily make a solution to a problem here in the company, you make me comfortable with your presence it makes me realize it is not heavy as it is it's just calm." He face him. He only smile.

"Thank you sir. Thanks to you i'll be able to do it, you are good when it comes to discipline your employees sir." He laugh then he look at his boss who's staring at him again.

It's awkward.

"I don't know what to do if you really leave and reassign in USA. You won't really change your mind?" He sigh deeply.

"There's still a chance that I will change my mind sir. I just need some things to do in USA sir and it's really important to me." He nodded and sat in the nearest chair. He sat beside him too.

"After this event, you can to to USA and my company will provide your needs we will be the one who gives you financial." His eyes got widen and he is shock looking at his boss.

"Really? Really?" He nodded, because of too much he stand up and giggle."Thank you sir! Thank you so much, Sir!"

"That's my way to say thank you for working with me." He bite his lips. He stand up and they leave the venue together.

While they are walking the rain pours down. He pulled his hand's boss fasterly for them to find a place to stop.

"Let's go sir. You might catch a cold." He didn't notice that he hold his hand's boss.

The important is they find a place to stop nothing else. He didn't want his boss to catch a cold.

It's a burden for him.

WHILE they are running Jungkook stare at Taehyung's hand holding his hand. He stare at his secretary's face. What happened? Why did he let this happen?

Feels like they are the only person in the world. Suddenly, the world become slow and even them running, he laugh because he really did understand the situation.

"There. Hay thank God we find a place. Are you okay sir?" He didn't hold his hand now and he look at him. He still didn't talk and just staring at his secretary.

He's a man. Why he can feel this? Why did he really like to kiss his lips? His eyes staring to his face down to his lips. He tasted those lips.

"If I kiss you again, would it be the same taste?" His secretary bite his lips and his eyes got widen.

"Y-you remember? You're just drunk that time sir, it's not a big de--" He stop talking when he saw him walking towards him.

"I am not drunk that time. I just want to know if it's still the same." Before he can go near at him, he pulled him and kiss his lips.

The second time he tasted those lips it's still the same. It's still sweet. Damn he just get addicted. Damn addicted.

WHAT'S WRONG WITH SECRETARY KIM (ENG VER)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora