Next-Door Neighbor (2) - Keiji Akaashi

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Just wanna say thanks for all the support and the comments, they always make me laugh and also

Reminder: BF/N means Best Friend's Name, F/F means Favorite Food, and some italics are flashbacks

Warning: None


"So how's the neighbor going?"

   Being the friend BF/N was, they immediately invited you over after having lunch with your neighbor, Akaashi.

"Don't ask like that!" You complained, covering your face with your hands as BF/N simply laughed at you.

"Come on, how was it? Spill, I wanna know everything."

   You brought your hands slightly away from your face, purposely not meeting BF/N's curious and prying grin as you weighed the pros and cons of actually telling them everything.


To: Y/N-san
From: Akaashi 
Subject: Lunch?

Wanna meet up for lunch this Saturday?

   You stared at your phone for a good 5 minutes, rereading the words before trying to come up with reply for another 5 minutes.

To: Akaashi
From: Y/N-san
Subject: Lunch?

Yeah, I'm free. Can't wait. :D

   Hopefully it wasn't that obvious that you had asked BF/N for some help.

Only five minutes   You thought as you glanced at the clock for the umpteen time, smoothing out any wrinkles in the clothes that BF/N had definitely not helped you pick out.

   Making sure you grabbed your keys and phone and wallet, you made sure to lock the door behind you as you exited your apartment and-

"Oh, hello, L/N-san. Perfect timing."

   You looked up to see Akaashi walking down the stairs, a small smile dancing across his lips which you definitely weren't staring at.

"Y-Yeah, seems so."

That was so lame   You immediately thought.

"There this place I know that was makes some really good F/F, if you want to go," Akaashi suggested as the two of you walked side by side and out of the apartment building.

"Yeah, that sounds good."

   Luckily for you, you found out that it was much easier to carry a conversation when you weren't close to having a nose bleed every time Akaashi had a hint of smile or laughed a bit at one of your jokes.

"I actually work part-time at the library that's nearby," Akaashi said, causing you to nod as you took a bite of your F/F.

"Oh, really? How is it?"

   And you definitely didn't make a mental note to check the place out sometime.

"And we're here."

   The place was small, yet had a cosy feeling with still a number of costumers as you followed Akaashi to a booth near a window where the two of you sat across from each other.

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