twelve // sleepover

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"What the fuck is this?"

"Jesus Christ man, chill. Hunter's in the shower; I'm just waiting for the others."

"Oh, so you're just casually sprawled out across my girlfriend's bed, waiting for her to get out of the shower?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Why would you even think that's okay?"

"For fuck sakes, Reece, I'm not sprawled out across her bed with my dick out and a rose hanging out of my mouth. Don't get your fucking panties in a twist."

"Okay, that's enough." Before things escalated, I walked out of the bathroom, completely dressed. Reece and Jaiden were standing face to face.

"You're getting on my last nerve; I will not hesitate to fucking kill you." Reece threatened.

"I'd like to see you try." Jaiden smirked.

Reece shoved him. "You want me to black out your other eye?"

"That's enough!" I stood in between them, my back facing Jaiden. I snapped in Reece's face to get him to look at me. "Enough."

He grabbed my arm and hauled me out of my room as Jaiden spit obscenities at him. Reece slammed the door and turned to me. "Why the fuck is he still here?"

"He and the others are spending the night." I said, and his eyes widened like I had said something wild.

"It's at Charlie's request." I defended quickly. "Charlie wants to watch a movie with my friends and it's just easier for them to sleepover rather than go home late."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." He scoffed with a shake of his head. "Why does he have to be here?"

"Because he's Charlie's favourite!" I shrugged. "Charlie really enjoys spending time with Jaiden, and Jaiden's a sweetheart to him. If it makes Charlie happy, let it happen, Reece, at least for his sake."

Reece sighed and ran his hands over his face. "Is Oliver spending the night, too?"

I nodded. He sighed heavily and shook his head, mumbling, "It's only because of Charlie. Otherwise there's no way I'd let this happen."

"Hunter's her own person, she doesn't need your permission to hang out with her friends." Oliver grumbled as he and Kevin walked past.

"I didn't ask for your fucking opinion, Henderson." Reece spat.

"Ooh, I'm so scared!" Oliver gasped dramatically.

Kevin pushed him inside my room before he and Reece could go at each other. When the door closed, I held Reece's face and made him look at me. "Baby, you cannot keep picking fights with them. You guys are never going to be friends and that's fine, but stop wasting your breath on each other."

"They always fucking start it!" He snarled. "I'm just looking out for you."

"I'm a big girl, Reece. I can look out for myself." I dropped my hands. "Promise me you'll stop picking fights with them."

"Only if you promise you'll tell them to piss off and learn some manners."

I nodded, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. We were nearly 18, not 8. It wasn't hard to be civil around people you didn't like. "I will. Now promise me."

He kissed me before nodding. "All right, I promise."

"Okay, I'll come see you before I fall asleep." I told him. He nodded and pulled me closer to him.

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