Trish called your parents because when you were transfered into the room, they were already there waiting for you. As well as the gang.

"They're so tiny!", Trish said.

Your parents approached you while Bucciarati went to talk with the gang.

"My grandsons...", your mother was almost crying.

"Did it hurt?", you father asked.

"I almost fainted various times! It was horrible! But Bruno was there the whole time by my side. So it's alright now.", you smiled.

Bruno approached you and complimented your parents.

"Wanna hold Matteo?", you ask him.

"Are you sure?"

"Why not? You're the father. He will be happy."

Bucciarati held your baby in his arms. He seemed so happy too. While he was with the boy in his arms, you hugged the baby girl in yours', carefully.

Some years later...

"Matteo, don't you even think of getting away!", Bruno screamed at the top of his lungs.

"I am not staying here if you're going to lecture me about something that I did right!"

Your son passed by you at the corridor. He was already going out the stairs when you called him:

"Matteo Bucciarati, where are you going? Your dad is trying to talk to you!"

Then your husband got to you two. As well as your daughter Angela.

"Bro, dad isn't wrong. You shouldn't have reacted like that."

"You too, Angie?! For Fuck's sake! They were laughing about me and you three are on their side!"

"LANGUAGE! And since when you beat people until they're in the hospital!?", Bucciarati asked.

"Dad, they treat me like a criminal! We're not criminals!"

"Of course not. So you shouldn't respond like that.", you said, "Don't be such an angry teenager! Be more calm like your sister!"

"I'm not Angie! I'm me, so stop trying to get me to be like her!"

And he stomped off. Your daughter ran after him, leaving you and your husband alone.

"Where did I fail?", he sighed to you.

"You're a great dad. But sometimes, not even you can solve the problems. Matteo is growing. Of course we can't let him beat other kids but he has to learn by himself what's wrong and what's good to do and to say."

"He put three guys in the hospital with his Stand! This is unacceptable!"

"Calm down, honey.", you said, "Angela will beat some sense into him."

"I sure hope she does."

"Oh, that's right! I forgot to tell you but Angie's boyfriend is coming over to have dinner."

You've never seen Bucciarati snap so easily :



You have to admit. Having your daughters' boyfriend over was really awkward. So first, you had your husband who certainly was thinking about one thousand things to ask the guy. Then you had all members of the gang almost killing him with their expression. You still had Matteo who wasn't saying anything and Angela who was trying to calm down everyone. Oh, and the boy, Francesco, who was almost fainting from all the pressure.

"So, boy, who do you think you are, trying to date my daughter?", your husband asked.

"Here we go again...", you mumbled.


At bed time hours, you entered the room where Bucciarati was already sitting down on the bed. You joined him:

"Why are you frowning, baby?"

"I don't like that guy..."

"Angela wouldn't bring a guy home if she didn't really like him. Besides, Francesco looked like a cool kid. They are 17. Please don't be too harsh."

"She's our daughter! I'll be harsh forever!", he whined.

You approached him and quickly gave him a hug.

"I get it. But they are growing up. And we're getting older. So don't waste time for something that isn't your decision, okay?"

"OK... But we aren't that old yet.", he smiled.

"I know...", you giggled, "What I am trying to say is that I want to be with you until we get old. And when the kids marry, it's just gonna be you and me again."

"It's true, yeah. But until there we have more time to ourselves, we should thank the time we have now. So, no more talking.", he announced, "Let me kiss you."

"You are always so romantic, Bruno.", you smiled, getting closer to him, "I'm yours forever."


Please go read the Author's Note on the next chapter.

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