Luke sighs, 

"It might take a while to get open. Maria is captured and Chloe went to Dr. White because she has her father. We don't have much time left. Some of us might not make it out of here."

"Don't you say that. What is the one rule of Blue Ghosts?" Shawn asks.

"Blue Ghosts fight together, Blue Ghosts die together."

"Now let's try to get this thing open!"

Chloe's POV

I slowly made my way towards the examination room.

Out the corner of my eye I see Dr. White. I entered the examination room and saw Maria and my dad tied up to the examination tables. I run to them only to be held back by the glass between us.

"What are you going to do with them?" I ask.

"Nothing... For now. I just need one thing from you." She says sitting down in her chair.

"What do you want from me?"

"I'm pretty sure you know exactly what I want from you Chloe. I told you there was somehting special about you the day you left." She explains.

"You think my blood can cure everyone..." I say.

"No, I Know your blood can cure everyone. Let me show you." she says and switches on the T.V screen in the room.

It shows Skyler in a examination room. 

"Bring in the Z subjects." the Dr. White on the screen says.

Slowly the door opens and in comes a zombie.Skyler screams and bangs on the door of the room.Then gas is brought into the room and both the zombie and Skyler fall to the floor. Once they are both unconscious, some lab workers come in and they bring Skyler to a examination table. They strap her to it and wait for her to wake up.

"You turned her into one of them?" I ask.

Dr. White nods.

"Why? Why would you turn your own assistant into a zombie?"

"Please continue watching the video. Everything will be explained." She plainly says.

I look back at the screen and watch as the Zombie Skylar wakes up mad. She russels around trying to get off the table. The a lab worker comes in with a syringe and does the "magic". Slowly after a few minutes she starts calming down and her skin becomes clearer, her eyes are no longer red and her cuts heal.

"Where am I?" the Skyler on the screen asks.

"Thank you, for perticipating in this exam. You are no longer needed." Dr. White says and grabs a gun and shoots Skylar straight in the forehead.

I gasp.

"You... You killed her!?" I yell.

"Like I said, she was... No longer needed." Dr. White says and turns the T.V screen off.

"What was the whole point of the exam then, if you were going to kill her in the end, you should have just left her as a zombie."

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