For them, this is a reasonable plan.However, I guess Tong An Zhi will certainlybargain, and will be very fierce.Because Anzhi's companies in China had.

Qualifications, brand effect, publicity channels,domestic customer groups and developmentexperience, etc., and Anzhi had to work and beresponsible for the development and operationof the project, which alone was considered aslabor capital contribution. 

Therefore, he couldn't let Du Mingqiang andsucha get the same income with no effort.In fact, the last time I met with Mingqiang, theytalked about this point. They also had a plan anddrew a bottom line. Now, it's just waiting forAnzhi to bargain the price.The amount of money they can provide must bemore than 500 million baht. For Mingqiang, hisfather has been operating on the border betweenChina, Myanmar and Thailand for decades andhas saved more than several hundred millionyuan.

4.3 Thai baht is only 1 yuan. For those who areengaged in big business, they can make tens ofmillions or even hundreds of millions in a singlebusiness, and the profit is unimaginable.Anzhi pondered for a moment, then shook hishead helplessly and laughed bitterly: "Mr. Du, thisway, please forgive me not to accept. Franklyspeaking, if I cooperate with that real estatecompany, we will distribute the equity anddividends according to the proportion ofcontribution. However, the other party has theexperience of developing projects in Thailand andall kinds of resources, which is called resourcesharing and cooperative development. 

But if we cooperate with you, it's not calledcooperative development. It's developedindependently by the company we jointly set up.The resources I bring from China will also beshared with you. This is unfair to me."

Du Mingqiang's face did not change much. Henodded thoughtfully, said "I understand", andthen bowed his head to ponder

Taking advantage of this gap, I translated thedialogue between Mingqiang and Anzhi to Suchaand Sangkesu.Sangkesu did not make any statement, but Suchamade a salute to Anzhi and said "I understand. Ihope we can have a further discussion" in Thai. 

After pondering for a moment, Mingqiang asked,"in your opinion, what plan is more ideal?"

Anzhi cleared his throat: "I'll tell you frankly. Ihope you don't mind. We will invest 15% of ourresources and experience according totechnology and labor services. There are twosolutions for this 15% of the fund. First, the threeof you will advance the funds. The equity anddividend ratio will be divided into 49% and 51%.Of course, Tom's share will be calculated later.

"The other plan is that both of us will stillcontribute 49% and 51% of the total investment,without any advance from you. The equity ratio isstill 49% and 51%, but the dividend ratio needs tobe agreed separately. I want to get 13% more.

"What's more, I think the total investment of onebillion baht seems to be a little less. If we can,investing 1.5 billion to 2 billion is better."

I knew that Anzhi only looked nice, but he wasnot easy to negotiate with. He was very smart.He had a huge and fierce ambition for thecooperation. 

In the first plan, Mingqiang and Sucha shouldadvance 15%, that is to say, if the companyinvested 1 billion baht, Du Mingqiang and suchawould have to help him pay 150 million yuan. Inaddition, they should have contributed 510million yuan. However, they could only hold 51%shares and dividends. 

They had to give me two more points, only 49%.If we wanted to invest 1.5 billion or even 2 billionbaht, then Mingqiang and Sucha would have topay more.

- Chapter 150 No Contribution No Reward

The second plan was that Du Mingqiang andSucha only spent 51% of their money. Afterexcluding my two points, they held 49% of theshares. However, Anzhi wanted to take 13 bonuspoints from them, and they only had 36%

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