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Frank hung up the last poster he had right before there was a light knock. "Come in!" Frank shouted. "Nice decorations Frank." Mikey said. "Hi Mikey! Like it? A fellow teacher of yours threatened to kill me if I didn't make this place less like a prison." Mikey's eyes went wide, "I'm just going to ignore that you said a teacher threatened you." Frank chuckled, "Sit down kid." Frank said. "You don't have to call me kid, I'm eighteen." Mikey pointed out, "I'm still older than you kid. So sit down." Mikey obeyed and sat in one of the four plastic chairs.

"How long have you been playing bass?" Frank asked. "Since I was nine. My brother gave it to me for my birthday." Frank smiled. "You got a brother?" Frank asked, Mikey nodded. "Yeah, he's the best." Mikey said. "How so?" Frank questioned. "He just is. He's really nice to me, he gets things that I want for my birthday or other holidays, even though he's a grown adult with a job he still spends time with me." Frank smiled, "He seems sweet. What does he do for a living?" Frank asked. "We'll, uhm," Mikey turned a light shade of pink, "He's a teacher." Frank nodded, "What does he teach?" Mikey looked nervous, "Grade eleven English." Frank saw Mikey's lips move but he heard Gerard say it. Frank looked towards his classroom door and he saw Gerard. "Why are you questioning my baby brother about me Mr. Iero?" Frank's eyes went wide and his eyes flickered back and forth between the two. "Uhm, hi Mr. Way." Frank said with a dorky smile.

"Hi Mr. Iero. I was just going to say that I'm pretty sure Ms. Nestor was with you when she vandalized my property. Is that true?" Frank looked at Mikey, "Cover your ears kid." Mikey nodded and covered his ears like he was told to. "I didn't expect him to actually do that. Okay then." Frank looked back at Gerard. "Are you sure you aren't just finding excuses to see me?" Frank winked, "Soundproofing my room is still on the table." Frank smirked. "You disgust me." Gerard said. "Oh, you love it, you twat." Gerard huffed and walked out of Frank's classroom.

"You can uncover your ears, by the way." Frank said. Mikey didn't uncover them though, he was just in his own little world with his hands over his ears. "Mikey." Frank said. "Mikey!" Frank shouted. Mikey look startled but then he finally understood what Frank was trying to do. "Oh, sorry." Frank shurgged, "It's alright kid. You were saying your brother is nice? Is he really?" Mikey chuckled, "That's what everyone asks. He is. He just thinks that kids deserve stricter teaching. He is actually really laid back in real life." Frank smiled, "Good to know."


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