A brand new member

909 17 4

5 pm

The final school bell rings. Sayori is already there, waiting for me.

Sayori: "Hi Y/N! Ready for the literature club?"

Y/N: "Huh, yeah, I think."

Sayori: "Okay, follow me then!"

Full of nervousness and enthusiasm, Sayori leads me to the fourth building. I rarely go to that building because it's most likely for the clubs and exams. We arrived at the clubroom's door and after taking a deep breath, Sayori opens the door and enter. I follow her, trying to be as calm as possible.

Sayori: "Hey everyone! Come over here, I want to introduce you to our new club member!"

So Sayori is already considering me as an actual member huh? A rather tall girl with purple hair came to us.

???: G-greetings, I-I'm Yuri, welcome t-to the literature c-club."

Y/N: Nice to meet you, Yuri, I'm Y/N."

Yuri: "Likewise."

A second girl approached us but she reminds me of someone.

???: "Welcome to the literature club! I'm Monika, president of the club! You're Y/N right?"

Y/N: "I am. We were in the same class two years ago, aren't we?"

Monika: "Yeah, that's right!"

Y/N: "But I thought you were in the debate club. Did you quit?"

Monika: "Yeah I quit, too much work. But I missed it a bit, so I decided to create the literature club with Sayori's help. There are four actual members, but if you join, we'll be five. And we'll finally be considered as a real club."

Y/N: "Four? Is someone missing?"

Monika: "No, she is right th... Wait what, where is she? Natsuki!"


Natsuki: "What?"

Monika: "Come to greet our new member!"

Natsuki: "What!? You bring a boy? Way to kill the m-"


Natsuki: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Natsuki?"

An awkward silence falls between us. The atmosphere is pretty uneasy.

Sayori: "Well... hehe... Do you know each other?"

Natsuki: "Hum... Yeah, he-"

Y/N: "Yeah we've seen each other at the library a while ago. We were reading the same book."

Sayori: "Oh. Alrighty!"

Natsuki looked towards me, I can see a great relief in her eyes and I saw her mouthed a "Thanks". Of course, I'm not going to speak about what happened earlier. As I spaced out, I saw the girls moving the tables and are gathering them at the center of the room. I'm going to help them.

Natsuki: "I'm gonna get the cupcakes!"

Right, Sayori told me that there will be some.

Yuri: "Well, I'm going to brew us some tea."

Sayori, Monika, and I sat down at the table, waiting for them. I sat next to Sayori. Natsuki came back with a tray in her hands.

Natsuki: "You ready?"

With an ear to ear smile, Natsuki lifts the foil off the tray to reveal ten cupcakes with cat shape.

Sayori: "Whoaaaa."

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