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And now he could speak, walk, play football, draw.
These five years had gone way too fast and I never could actually be there with him. For him.

I know that having him wasn't exactly expected. It wasn't planned. But at first I thought that providing him food, house and school was what fatherhood meant.

Maybe I was wrong.
Because these past two days spending time with him were quite fun. And I was discovering a lot of things I didn't know about my own son.

Now I could actually see a part of me in him.

So yes, maybe my boss was right. Maybe I needed to start pampering him and not waste more days of his childhood. Because soon enough, he'll become a teenager, and God help me when that happens.

So, when my job hours ended, I drove to the closest toy shop and bought a medium sized stuffie of a dinosaur, wrapped it up as a present and, even if it was almost dinner time, I made my way to Brianna and Freddie's house.

Ringing their bell, I waited outside, standing frozen with the dinosaur in front of my body, it being the first thing they'll see once the door opened.

"What?" - Brianna frowned. - "What are you doing here?"

"Is Freddie awake still?"

"Uhm, yeah. He's watching cartoons in the living room. Why?"

"I brought him a present." - I smiled, shaking the very obvious package in front of her eyes.

"Why though?"

"Because I saw it and I thought he'd like it. Can I come in, then?"

She rolled her eyes and nodded.


"Thank you." - I smirked, sliding past her and entering my ex house.

Knowing the way to the living room by heart, I rapidly found Freddie sitting on one of the armchairs, curled under a baby blanket that Brianna and I had bought together when he was born.

I didn't know it still existed.

"Little lad, hey." - I said softly, kneeling down next to his chair.

"Dad!" - His face brightened up in excitement.

"How are you today, huh?"

"Great. Mama let me go to school today." - He grinned. - "We played with cool cards teacher Harry gave us."

"Yeah? Sounds fun." - I smiled again. - "I have something for you, want to see?"

"Yes!" - He exclaimed, sitting up straight and kicking his blanket aside.

"Alright." - I chuckled, revealing the wrapped up present from behind my back.

"What is that?!" - He shouted, his eyes wide open in utter surprise.

"A present. Open it." - I said, handing it to him.

"Wow!" - He exclaimed and I laughed. - "For me?"

"Yes, lad."

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