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Kisame kept his eyes on you the entire time now truly understanding why he was here. The words Shiro and Mazoku spoke really surprised you and made you feel so disgusted with your lineage. Your eyes were closed as you buried your palms into your face taking in the information.

"What was Madara's purpose on telling her this?"

"He didn't want to lie to her anymore, but also it might make her understand her chakra even more now, to not exert it so carelessly". Mazoku replied.

"This explains why Pain told me to keep my last name hidden now...I'm a part of this wretched clan.." you said out loud through your hands that shook with anger. Ayui and Raidon moved forward to rest their heads in your lap,

"You're nothing like that clan"

"We picked you remember? So don't hate yourself for what they did, you only share the same name. It doesn't make you them and that doesn't mean that you are at fault for their actions".

Shiro nodded in agreement, "We truly feel that you can change everything for us and look what you have done so far. With the help of Kisame and Zetsu, you truly have made the world better for us".

Kisame put a hand on your shoulder awaiting for you to speak or show your face. He could tell you were done with crying about loss, but this was some big news for you. Being a part of the [L/N] clan, the clan that wiped out the extinction of your summons' species. They were savage and ruthless. Words to describe anyone but you. Though everything did make sense regarding your immense chakra storage. It was all within you and not like Kisame where he would share his with his sword, Samehada.

You let out a wince of pain which caught everyones attention, "Are you alright?" Kisame asked with a sudden gentleness in his voice.

You let out an inward sigh remembering this pain before and shot your head up to face Kisame, his eyes widened at your red stained cheeks. Your eyes swirled a new pattern resembling a 5 barred pinwheel. Raidon and Ayui shot their heads up from your lap in surprise. Raidon growled, "Those eyes.."

"You've unlocked the Mangekou Sharingan.." Kisame said.

You turned to look at your blood stained finger tips and wiped them on your trouser legs. Letting out a disappointed sigh, "Itachi didn't want me to get to this point of the sharingan... fearing I'll become blind"

"That only happened to Itachi through the stresses of using his so much. Once you've learnt your unique power, just use it wisely. You may not even need to use it so much with your chakra reserve, you're strong enough without the Mangekou. We know this".

You wiped away the blood from your face and began to stand, using Mazoku's tail for assistance. "Now I know why Madara brought you here with me" you held a hand out to Kisame who has his head tilted wondering the reason and held your forearm in order to stand as well. You pulled out a kunai and held it at arms length, allowing your sharingan to shine.

"To train"

Kisame smirked a toothy grin at you, proud that you're using this moment to put your emotions to use rather than letting them spill. You truly have grown he thought to himself as he held Samehada out ready. The pack followed pursuit and stood behind you ready and waiting. Mazoku surprisingly stood behind Kisame, he looked up at your summon wondering what his intentions were.

"Well the numbers seemed a bit unfair so.." Mazoku mumbled out, leaving you to smirk sweetly. "Awww Mazoku you made a friend, thats so cute~"

Both Kisame and Mazoku blurt out together whilst frowning, "Don't call us cute!"

Your words made the sparring match commence. As you focused on Kisame, the raptors focused on the T-Rex. Many kicks and punches were thrown towards one another, Kisame holding back on the use of Samehada on you for now. You knew exactly what he was thinking 'I can't hit her I'll hurt her too much' Fine so be it you thought. You're just going to have to beat it out of him. "Ninja Art: Blazing Hurricane!"

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