I'm back, protestant bastards

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Well, hello there again :D, well, this isn't nuch but this is what I barely could write when college is slowly and painfully killing me :3. Anyways, don't forget to comment, leave a star if you liked it and to check my discord, the link is on my profile but it seems that Wattpad, as always, didn't notify you.

While Izuku decorated his and Himiko's coffins, while Alucard drank blood and watched Netflix on his 70 inch plasma TV, but without 3D becuase we all know it's shit; high in the sky, more or less where the clouds are but within a 5th or 6th dimension, Alexander Anderson had just become conscious.

"I-I remember I died after fighting Alucard." The priest was confused and 'looked around'. "What is this place?"

Anderson didn't have a physical body, it was like being there and nowhere at the same time; he felt like he was floating, he saw his 'body' and he realized he was just a ball of dark blue light.

"I can answer you," said a warm voice, full of love, patience and tenderness; but at the same time power and wisdom. "You are in what you call Heaven, although you're not really here; a more adequate yet complicated question would be: Where? When? Why? Y and how are you?" The voice manifested itself as a bright light blue halo.

"Are you my Lord, God?" Anderson asked fearful and nervous. After all, he was talking with an all powerful being.

"Indeed, I'm the one you call God," he warmly confirmed, the light getting brighter according to the sound's rythm.

"Should I really be here? I've killed so many," the Iscariot agent showed remorse.

"But of course, I know you did it in my name," said God in an understanding voice, like a loving father.

"You aren't God," Anderson coldly suddenly said.

"Why are you doubting, my son?"

"God would never accept what I did, only because it was in his name" Anderson said again with a cold tone.

Then, the light ball which represented the priest started to shine and grow; it suddenly exploded and instead of a ball of light, Alexander had recovered his body and pointed a bayonet at the light blue halo.

"God was right, you deserve the second chance," the halo changed from light blue to a intense red, now it seemed like a halo made of fire.

"Who are you, you Satan follower bastard?" the old God's Assassin menaced.
"Well, I'm Lucifer, we're in the purgatory and God asked me to test you." The voice was now a bit effeminate and transmitted a vague feeling of blame. "Let me call Him."

Somehow, a ringtone was heard there and someone answered.

"Yes, Lucifer?" the true God asked. Lucifer's imitation was not even close to the true one.

"Hello God, do you remember what you asked me? About the psycho priest?"

"Yes," tiredly answered the divine being. He didn't like to talk with Lucifer.

"Well, he passed so I'm sending him to you in a moment."

"Alright, thanks for telling me."

"And again, I'm sorry for what happened to your son."


"I'm telling you again, if you need to talk with someo-"

God hung up.

"Well, as I was saying, Judas Priest. You passed your test and now I'm gonna send you with angel to Heaven."

Something the priest noticed was that there was no big difference between Hell and Heaven. Both were equally empty, the only difference was Hell had dirt and rocks as soil and in Heaven everything was full of soft fluffy clouds.

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