Chapter 2

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Jeff's POV:

I continue walking, the presence of slender behind me as I lead the way back. The forest darker than it was. Small lights from the mansion coming into view.

I sigh as I start to jog towards it. The building coming into my own view the closer I get to it. Lights from others being turned off slowly. Slender pops up in front of me making me flinch backwards away from the door.

"What the fuck?" I wince from the flinch, my chest throbbing steadily after the sharp pain, making me inhale sharp breaths as I continue to walk in. Slender keeping the door open for me.

I notice Jane over by the stairs. I stick my middle finger up at her, as I feel one of Slenders tendrils picking me up above her as she brings out her knife. Him sticking me at the very top of the stairs close to my room.

"Pfft, c'mon Jane, fucking throw it." I watch her bring her arm back quickly before throwing it. Slender watching the two of us bicker at eachother. I move slightly to the side, her knife hitting the wall behind me as it sits there. "Haha, I think you need to aim better." She groans in frustration.

"And I think you need to stop fucking moving." She reaches into her back pocket grabbing her gun. Before she was able to point it at me to cock it, Slender takes it away from her swiftly.

I laugh as I walk down the hallway to the left. I hear her arguing with him as I quietly giggle to myself. I look down as I open the door. There's a lot more blood then the last time I looked.

Maybe I should've left sooner than before. I could've been here before I started bleeding everywhere.

Walking into the dark room, I take off the hoodie, shutting the door with my foot as I throw the red clothing onto my bed. Blood, making its way down my chest. I go back to the door, opening it as I make my way towards the bathroom, the arguing seemed to have ceased as I notice Jane's door closing.

I walk down the stairs, my hand under the blood stream, making a tiny pool of blood as I round the corner, almost running right into Slenderman, the tall man facing away from me as I make my way to the bathroom beside his office.


"Don't, just leave it. Leave it alone. Just worry about you. I'll fix it." I continue walking. Waiting for the loud voice to ring in my ears but none come however when I enter the bathroom, shutting the door with a slight slam.

I lean against it, the light burning my eyes as I make my way to the counter. The paper towel on my left as I turn on the sink. Sticking the paper towel to my lower abdomen where it's sticky with blood. Cupping the slight pool with both of my hands, I pour it into the running water so I don't stain the sink. Quickly washing my hands, the towel already covered in blood.

Changing the towel, I look in the mirror, it hasn't changed at all. Even the hole is still there. I turn around to look at my back, the flesh raw and red with blood.

Do I need to go get Slender? I don't think I can do my back and I don't think killers know how to do first aid. Couldn't hurt to ask. But do I really need to ask him?

I start to laugh, as I make my way to the door of the bathroom, opening it to see Sally in front of him. I leave the doorway, and stand beside Sally. She contains her surprise of the hole in my chest as I stand there, replacing the paper towel with my hand. I can feel a slight trickle of blood running down my back.

🐊discontinued🐊I'm Fucked Aren't I? (Slenderman x Jeff)Where stories live. Discover now