He breathed in “Yes.” “How do you know you're in love?” she asked.

“When you noticed every little detail about what they do or their room or stuff like that. You remember most of it, and seeing them just makes you happy..” he said.

She hummed, she remembered how Gakushu would pout like a child if he lost just like Karma. The way he handled himself at the pole toppling contest, even if he did lost.

His eyes were really pretty too. She stopped momentarily and continued like nothing happened.

“What about jealousy?” She asked. “As in, jealousy in Love not general things?” He asked making her nod “It makes me feel bad seeing the one I like happy with someone else other than me. But not regular happy, like they seem really close with someone, it makes me jealous. Or the things she do to someone else makes me jealous.”

She nodded, pushing back her thoughts, she can think about love when she's in the comfort of her home. “So the training camp will be for training your quirks huh?” he asked.

Nodding once more, she said “Yep, I'll tell you all about it once I come back. I don't think there's any connection or service there.”

“Thanks, I really appreciate it.”

“Your welcome.”

After buying their food, Shinso had accompanied her when she was looking for new training shoes. “How many times did you bust your shoes?” he asked.

“A lot. Since my quirk ‘manifested’” she said tying a pair of black running shoes for all terrain or a wide variety “It seems running at a fast pace and suddenly stopping would cause the rubber at the soles to.. heat up?”

“You go through shoes like they're food.” he pointed out. Memories flashed back “Yeah, the place I usually buy my shoes would already know what I need the moment they saw me walk in.”

After buying her new pair of shoes they decided to take a break and have some ice cream. “Surprised you didn't get Strawberry.” he said.

She licked her vanilla ice cream “They were all out actually.”

He chuckled “Anything you need for the week?” he asked. “Not much, I already have what I need at home.”

“Even a first aid kit?” he asked to which she nodded.

“Duffle bag?” “I have two of them.”

“Sleeping bag?” “We'll be sleeping a building, but Maybe I can sleep outside.” she mumbled.

“Then let's drop these off at your place and go to the cat cafe?” He suggested. “Sure, let's finish our ice cream, I also need to tell someone from my class.”

That someone, was the class representative. Iida.

Nagito Serin:
Hey Iida, I'm going home.
I already got what I need.

Iida is typing a message. . .

Iida Tenya:
Alright, Get home safe.

Nagito Serin:
Thank you. You and the
others too.

After sending the last message she noticed a black cat, with beautiful blue eyes. She paled a bit, the cat stared at her.

 She paled a bit, the cat stared at her

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Against All Odds - THE DRAFTS | BNHA x Assassination Classroom.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن