𝚒𝚖 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚍!

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woah am i really writing a christmas-y oneshot in november? yes, yes i am. sorry im just realllllllyyyyy excited for christmas and winter jrkdjfkdmfkfmf

anyways enjoy

Summary: Your find your boyfriend outside the door covered in snow and you help him get warm.

It was pretty cold outside. You watched the snow outside fall onto the ground.

You looked outside the door. There was your boyfriend. Covered in snow. His black beanie had a mountain of snow ontop of it. His dark purple jacket was sprinkled with snowflakes. His jeans were also covered in snow. You opened the door.

"woah what happened to you-"

"uuuuuuum i fought santa claus"

"are you serious c'mon kokichi"

"huh? what?"

"if you're gonna fight him at least steal something from him"

"nee-hee-hee okayyyyy maybe next time"

You giggled.

He violently shivered.

You extended your arm and grabbed his hand.

"oh my god. kokichi you're freezing,,"

"come inside you're gonna freeze out there"

"n-no i'm not, i-i'm not c-c-cold"
He shivered.

"that's a lie"

You pulled him inside and shut the door.

You pulled off his beanie revealing his messy dark purple hair. You tossed the beanie back to him.

"kichi take off your shoes and your jacket okay"

He nodded.

He hung his jacket and beanie on the coat hanger and took of his shoes.

He shivered again.

"kichi c'mere"

You pulled your freezing boyfriend into a warm hug.

He hugged you back, nuzzling his head into your neck.

"there, you warmer now?"

He giggled.


"go change into something warm okay? your jeans are still covered in snow"


He pulled away from the hug and went to his room.
After a minute he came out wearing baggy black sweatpants, fuzzy socks and a baggy white hoodie.

"there thats wayyy better now is it?"


You sat down on the couch and motioned for him to come sit next to you. He sat next to you and placed his arm around your shoulder.

You lightly kissed him and then pulled away.

A light shade of pink spread across his face.

"huh did i fluster youuuu"

"nope but i'll fluster *you*"

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