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"Tsukasa!" Amane yelled from downstairs which caused Tsukasa to run promptly, worried about his older brother's sudden scream.

"What is it!? Did a robber break-in? Have you finally smooch someone?" Tsukasa panted but managed to ask him and his older brother looked at him weirdly.

"What? No!" Amane rolled his eyes at his silly brother.

"I passed! I got hired!!" He said excitedly as he jumped off the couch and leapt in joy.

"Really!?" His younger twin joined in celebrating with him. After they calmed down, they ordered pizza and ice cream to celebrate.

"When will you start, Amane?" Tsukasa asked while stuffing his mouth with pizza.

"Tomorrow" he replied.

"What kind of job did you actually applied for?" Tsukasa asked.

"Seriously? You didn't know yet you celebrated with me?" He asked as he looked at his clueless brother who was shaking his head 'no'.

"Basically, we take pictures of celebrities and post it online or sell them to magazines and tabloids. If one of us capture a dating scandal, they need the celebrities' agency to confirm the relationship and consent to post the picture online. If not, the company cannot post it because it is prohibited but they will pay them a large sum of money to keep them quiet." he explained to his brother who only hummed in response.

"Seriously Tsukasa? That's all you can reply?" His brother asked annoyed.

"Good luck for tomorrow!" his brother said and went upstairs to play videogames.

"I hope he won't wreck the house when I'm off to work tomorrow." he mumbled worriedly and sighed.

Amane entered the building and was greeted by the luxurious designs and types of furniture. His mouth agape amazed by the building structure and design.

"Excuse me, may I help you?" A lady asked on the counter and he got out of his trance as he approached the lady.

"Hello, my name is Yugi Amane, the new recruit" he bowed to the lady and she did the same.

"Turn left from here and then you will see an elevator. Tap the 7th floor and you'll arrive at the boss' office" she explained and he nodded while memorizing what she said.

"Thank you" he smiled kindly at the lady and went on his way.

*knock knock knock*

"Come in" he heard a faint voice respond. He took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Ah, you must be Yugi Amane. I was expecting you" the man said while standing up from his leather chair.

"Good morning, Sir" he bowed respectfully to his now new boss.

"No need to be polite. Sit down" the man said while approaching the window that displayed a breath-taking view. He drank his expensive wine while gazing outside.
Amane began examining the man that he'll be calling 'boss' soon.
He was a middle-aged man that had brushed-back dark, brown hair along with sideburns. He had copper-brown eyes and sharp jawline. He wore an overall-black expensive tux.

"My name is Misaki and you can call me anything you like." He turned around and smiled at him softly.

"When will I start, boss?" He asked and the man laughed because he was too formal.

"Stop being so formal, kid" he stopped laughing and went serious.

"I entrust you to take photos of the popular singer, songwriter and producer Yashiro Nene. You will follow her everywhere she goes" Misaki explained and Amane froze.

"Follow her everywhere she goes? Isn't that prohibited?" He asked and the man grinned evilly.

"No one knows about it so I hope you keep it as a secret as well." He said with a sly smirk while Amane tried to remain calm and unfazed. He nodded afterwards while gulping the lump on his throat.

"What if I caught her in a dating scandal? We won't post it regardless if we have their consent right?" Though he was afraid, he managed to ask him calmly.

"If they refuse, we threaten the celebrities agency so that they can pay us twice larger then we'll keep their dating scandal a secret" he chuckled evilly.

"Oh, and you will start tomorrow. There's a fansign event happening tomorrow at xxxx-xxxx. Take as many photos as you can and after the fan sign event, follow her everywhere." He said and he nodded.

"You can stop following her when she enters her dorm, understood?" He asked and he nodded. Too afraid to utter a single word.

"And remember to stay low when you follow her." His boss added.

"Noted, Misaki-san" he said and his boss dismissed him. As he was entering the elevator, his mind went to chaos.

'What the hell did I just apply to? What am I gonna do? Urghh!! I didn't know their boss was a total lunatic. But I have no other option' He heard the elevator dinged and got off. He bowed at the lady again and went home.

"Who even is this Yashiro person? Misaki-san said she's famous yet I don't know her" he mumbled under his breath while entering his room. He took off his blazer and loosen his necktie. He grabbed his towel and went inside the bathroom to take a quick shower and to make his completely chaotic mind relax. Then, he wore his nightwear and went under the covers.

"I forgot I don't know her face" he groaned but he was too lazy to grab his phone and search her up.

"Well, it's her fansign event tomorrow and she's a soloist so I guess I'll recognize her when she steps foot on the red carpet. Problem solved!" He said and went to sleep. Excited and nervous for tomorrow.

(Another book published YAAYYYY!! Hope you enjoy the first chapter. Have a good day/night! JAAAAAYYYY OUT!!!)

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