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JUNGKOOK is not comfortable. He is just keeps on thinking about it . It's been 2 days when Mr. Kim said he wanted to assign to another place. What was his reason? He said he just want to but it's not a right reason for him to leave.

"What will be his reason for that?" he sigh while thinking what possibly his secretary do that.

"My Gosh Jungkook, why are you roaming around?" he look at Namjoon while holding his lips.

"I am just thinking, no need to worry about me just mind your own business." Is he tired of him being his secretary?

"Why are you acting like that? Settle down and fix yourself, you still have meeting to attend incase you forgot."

"Fyi Namjoon, I can still attend that meeting even I am like this so shut up." Because he is irritated, he shoutef at his friend. 

He look at the door when Mr. Kim entered.

"Sir the board meeting started now, please proceed." He nod and fix his self.

THEY'RE just walking when Taehyung is not with him self that's why it's questionable. He look at his boss.

"Are you alright, Sir?" He just nod and look at him.

"I am still bothered by your request. Why so sudden?" He was about to answer him when the door open. He sigh and enter the door.

"So, as you can see the money we should spend this upcoming fan racing is 5 million since it's all about a team building also besides there's a lot of children still wanted to enter like this. It will be not a high money, we can still support the idea of the board members. How about that sir?" Sir Jin said. He just nod because he was right.

He look at his boss who is not on his self, he tap his boss slowly and he look at the people inside the meeting.

"Ow. Let's end the meeting here." He stand up and leave. He look at the board members and he slowly down his head and follow his boss.

"What's your reason again if you wanted to be assign in USA?" His body is intense by his question.

Is this the reason why he is not on his self earlier in the meeting? Sometimes, he really can't understand his boss.

"Sir, I have my reasons why and it's a personal matter." He down his head as a sign of respect. He look at him.

"Are you tired of working with me? Come on it's been 10 years and you're tired just now working on me?" His voice visible with shock and unbelievable tone.

"You said it's been 10 years, that's the point I've been with you for 10 years so I need to do something and try a new experience, a new field of experience but I am still working with your company but different branch." He sigh.

"Still no."

He feel like his feet is melting. He sigh deeply and leave the office.

WHO do you think he is asking him like that? What he wanted is to leave. His work is good that's why he can't understand why he still wanted to leave.

And why the hell he cares about that? It's easy to find a new secretary to replace him.

'But not the same with Mr. Kim'

He shook as what his mind said. He needs to rest because he will be going insane thinking of it.

Gosh that guy give him a hard time and a head ache. Damn it.

WHAT'S WRONG WITH SECRETARY KIM (ENG VER)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon