Chapter 1

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"Cap, are you seeing this?" Tony said with frustration into the comms, tony stark was currently in his iron man suit. He was on his way to see Peter, yet a strange portal type wormhole started to form on the helipad of the avengers tower.

Natasha was trying to help evacuate the tower, while hawkeye, along with hulk was clearing the nearby streets. Captain America and Spider-Man was in the lab, trying to find out how and why this portal appeared.

"Yup" Steve sighed over the comms, wondering if this was created due to another malfunction in his tech. "Don't get too close, we don't know where it leads to." Tony, of course, ignored Stevens warnings and began to fly closer to the portal. Suddenly a small earthquake erupted, causing the portal wormhole to grow stronger, tony began to regret flying so close.

"Uh, guys? I might need a little hel-" Tony's comms were cut off, probably due to the mass energy the portal was using. As he tried to communicate to the others, all he got in return were statics. He felt the portal wormhole sucking him in. Before he knew it, he was gone. "Tony?" Natasha called out via comms, "that wormhole just sucked him in!" Peter exclaimed in panic, he was already starting to sweat.

What if mr.stark really is gone? Did I just lose him?


"Find out where that wormhole took him! Fast!" Natasha was becoming more frustrated with every passing second. Without hesitation she turned on her heels and dashed towards the nearest elevator. she didnt give a damn if the elevator was safe to use or not, it was the fastest way up as of right now.


Peters panic was becoming clear, he couldn't just stand by while his mentor, his only father figure was swallowed by a wormhole. Bruce had already confirmed it was a portal before he had gone hulk mode. If it was a portal, then there would have to be an other side! Maybe mr. Stark wasn't gone afterall!

Steve raised an eyebrow at peter's unusual quietness,"Peter?.. What are you doing..?" When Peter didn't answer and began swinging away, Steve knew exactly what he was going to do. "Wait, kid, don't!" Yet, it was no use. Peter was already long gone, on his way to the portal.

"Thor, the kid is heading towards that wormhole. Stop him before he gets hurt!"

"I am on it." Steve saw a glimpse of Thor flying past the window, with his hammer in his hand. Tony would have his head if he found out Peter got hurt...


Natasha was was half way up when she heard a roar, along with multiple thuds. Hulk. She looked down and saw the big green mutant, he was jumping to each stairway. Hulk wouldn't admit it, but he was concerned and a bit fearful when he found out tony had been sucked up by the wormhole, so he immediately started climbing to stairs to get to the wormhole.

Natasha couldn't help but smile when she realized that hulk did care. Once he found her, he asked," need.. Ride?" She knew what he meant and let him carry her to the top, within 2 minutes they were at the top of the avengers tower. Natasha tried to use her comm to contact cap, and the others, but it was no use. It was just static.

The cool wind was blowing in all different kind of directions, she wondered where the hell Hawkeye was. With each passing second she felt the wormhole pull her more towards it. Then, another small earthquake began. The tower shook, and the wormhole tugged at her, causing her and hulk to become off balanced. Just as she and hulk was flying off the tower, into the wormhole she noticed Thor flying towards them. In the corner of her eye she saw hulk turn back into Bruce, he seemed to be unconscious and was swallowed into the wormhole.

"Give me... Hand!" Natasha could barley make out what Thor was yelling, all the rouge winds and screams were making it hard for her to hear. Not only that but the static of the comms were still ringing throughout her ears.

She reached out her hand for Thor to reach but she soon saw dread fill third eyes, he had felt the wormhole tug at him. Just in the nick of time, spiderman shot a web at thors back, trying to keep him from being sucked up. Natasha tried to hang onto mjolnir for as long as she could. She could see Hawkeye and Steve running behind Peter, pulling him back for support.

Suddenly, it was as if the portal had enough, and became 3x larger, and 10x stronger. The team was no match for this, Natasha's fingers became numb for a split second and her grip on the hammer weakened. She too was then sucked into the portal, wormhole.

Not much later, the rest followed.


Natasha, Barton, Peter, Bruce, Steve and Thor began to fall out of the sky. Thor came to his senses and started flying, Peter did so too (not flying) and swung his way down to safety. yet the others weren't so good. There was a slight chance Steve would probably survive falling from a tower height, but bein a super soldier only goes so far.

"Ya know, it's not really smart to go through a portal that was ontop of a 60 floored tower."

Steve looked over to his left and saw ironman flying casually next to them, as if his teammates and probably only friends, fell to their death.

" Did any of you think that if you went through the portal, that you'd end up 60 floors high from wherever the portal took us?" He continued. (idk the height of the avengers tower srry, I'll just make it up)

Natasha tried not to look down, yet when she did, instead of the hard floor she thought would be the death of her, she saw Peter making a sort of cushion with his webs.

She sighed in relief and tried to slow her falling, trying to make her impact less harsh. No wonder tony was so calm. Steve caught on to what was happening and grabbed Bruce's unconscious body to make sure he landed safely.


A small thud and a groan from the 4 of them were heard as they fell on to the soft webbing cushion. Barton got up, rubbing his torso probably because he could feel a bruise or two forming. Thor walked over to Bruce and gave him a light tap from mjolnir on his chest. A small electric shock was made and Bruce jolted up. (Just like how Thor helped tony in endgame when Antman made him go into a cardiac arrest or something)

"So where are we?" Natasha got up and rubbed her head, Peter was looking in all directions, trying to look for any landmarks to identify where they were. "We have no idea. Before you guys came, I tried to ask JARVIS but it was like he couldn't register anything." Tony finally spoke up.

"Well, any idea where the hell that portal came from?" clint asked as he got up and was inspecting each arrow to make sure none were damaged. (Just realized his first name is Clint not Barton, sorry!)

"Nope, but this is totally like that one 70's movie-" Peter was cut off by tony before he could make a pop culture reference. "Who the hell are those hot shots?" He pointed towards the sky, it looked like a group of people, the a angers couldn't quite make out who they were. Some of them were... Flying? And the others were landing on a floating, kinda see through, green platform.

" wait a minute does that guy have green skin?" Bruce exclaimed, it sounded like a question but it was almost as clear as day, everybody knew it was an exaggerated statement.

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