"Well of course it's someone of importance otherwise—"

"For God's sake! We're losing time Charlus!"

"We're not though! Grace is amazing at masking radio signatures and—"

"Tell me the information Charlus!" She banged he hands on the table, her eyes burned with anger and resentment

Charlus was taken aback, apart from the daily bitchiness, her mother was a level headed human being. It must've been someone of high importance to mess her up like that. He wanted to know who it was but then it struck him, he didn't care. As far as he knew, she was dead to him.

"Fine, you don't have to be such a bitch about it."

Before Ailsa could open her mouth, a roar came from behind. "That your mother boy!" Screamed Samuel Oak, "apologise to her!"

Charlus was taken aback, much like Ailsa. Both of them started at the man with a puzzled expression.

"Dad..." croaked Charlus, "it was you."

Samuel stared at his wife and son before looking down at the floor, quite ashamed.

"Nice reunion," Charlus gulped, "oh no..." he mimicked the sound of static, "oh no there is a war out here! I mean a fjord! Ah, I'm going to die! Gotta go bye!" He quickly canceled the call.

Ailsa sighed in frustration as she closed her laptop. She rubbed her forehead, refusing to see her estranged husband.

"That boy bruises like a Berry in a little cold," he sighed, "he'd never survive a fjord... It's... it's nice to meet you, Ally." He said nervously.

"My name is Ailsa," she got up, "please refer to me by my name."

She turned away to leave but Samuel swiftly blocked the way, he locked the door and quickly closed the blinds.

"What's the meaning of this?" Ailsa asked exasperated, "I have work to do, Samuel."

Samuel sighed as he took two bottles of beer out of his coat pocket. "I thought we could talk."

Ailsa wanted to bash the bottle over his head but she hated to waste a good bottle of beer. She nodded and sat down. Samuel took the seat next to her.

They drank in silence for some time. The sparkly taste and flavor of the drink soothed her nerves. The pain in her forehead started to dilute with each sip of the drink she took.

"So... what's new with you, Ally?"

She glared at him at the ridicule of her name.

"Come on now," he nudged her arm, "you'll always be my Ally."

Ailsa's glare didn't flinch.

"Fine," he threw his hands up in the air. "What's new with you, Ailsa?"

She chewed her lip. "Nothing," she said, "everything is the same."

"Blood, war, and death?"

She nodded.

Samuel smiled. At the sight of her Icy blue eyes, he couldn't help contain the redness which was creeping up on his cheeks. "I'm... I... I'm sorry," he concluded, "I'm sorry about before."

She shrugged. "That son of yours has a sharp tongue, there is nothing sorry about teaching him a thing or two."

"Oh I've done more than a thing or two," he sighed, "it was my love that spoiled him... you were right about giving him a strict hand."

Lost in their PastOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz