On the inside

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My mind drifts deeper, 

into a place distant and safe. 

I've been through so much emotionally lately, 

my soul it's starting to chafe. 

I want to stop the world from turning, 

make the feelings and noise stop. 

Imagine a moment which is care free, 

where I am running between the rain drops. 

My life, it has certainly challenged me, 

in so many ways. 

Every familiar road is twisting, 

into a confusing and complicated maze. 

I get lost in my feelings, 

my direction, my emotions. 

The solution is unclear, 

due to so many notions. 

I wish I could simply hide away, 

stay in my safe and quiet little place. 

Feel the life and contentment that GOD gave me, 

It's healing and peaceful, it's called Grace. 

I know my own choices have brought me, 

into this painful state of confusion. 

I tend to make certain choices, 

based on my own created illusions. 

I'm searching for a way to stop living, 

in this crazy little imaginary world. 

Start living my life in reality, 

not in a place so mixed up and swirled. 

Its time for me to wake up, 

Start fighting to get my life goals, on the right track. 

Somehow discover my flaws and replace them, 

With the common sense that I lack. 

I hope you can see why I love, 

This quiet place inside my head that I hide, 

I can separate all the thoughts in my mind, 

That I've created that seem to always collide.

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