Ch. 53 "My Hero Bill Nye"

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Chapter 53

"This is it!" Braden squeals, skipping over to Emerson and me. "The day we escape this hell hole has finally come!"

A teacher nearby raises their eyes suspiciously, making the three of us snicker. Braden gives a curt little wave her way.

We're standing in the gymnasium, just about to head out to the football field for the graduation ceremony. It's a bittersweet day, but I'm most excited to start with a new chapter in my life.

"Is Kyle coming?" Emerson asks.

"No," I answer. "He's filming today."

I can't say I'm not disappointed, because I'm utterly depressed about it. Having Kyle here would've meant the world to me. He was part of this school for six months after all, and I feel like that's deserving of a proper graduation. Maybe I'll just have a mini one with him and a few others when he comes back.

"Get in line!" a teacher directs, clapping their hands together. "Alphabetical order!"

Braden takes both Emerson's and my hands before we depart. "Don't trip on stage, gorgeous girls."

"Same to you, beautiful beau!" Emerson calls as she walks to her spot in line.

I laugh and head over to the middle of the forming line, finding my name tagged on the floor just as promised. I'm standing in between two people whom I don't know very well, but that doesn't matter.

The music blares as we start heading out. My smile is wide while I look for my family in the bleachers. I spot Trent first, his arms waving way over his head and screaming like a madman. He's sitting next to Emerson's mom on his left and Laura on his right. Frankie is standing on the bleachers with my dad trying to make him sit down.

I laugh at the sight, waving to them before taking my seat in the foldable chair on the field. The first person to the microphone is principal Franklin. He welcomes us all and goes on to congratulate all of us on the field.

A few more important directors and administrators talk after him. Not going to lie, I didn't exactly pay too much attention to them. Plus, Anthony and I were playing rock, paper, scissors from across the way.

We are then called one by one to receive our diplomas. It's a long process, but I have a smile on my face as I cheer loudly for each of my friends.

"Cassidy Nelson," my name is called.

They ask everyone in the audience to remain silent once each name is called, just so each name can be heard. There's always a few families who break those rules. Whether my family did or not, I wouldn't know.

Because there was a different cheering coming from the front row of chairs.

"Fuck yeah!" Luke Hart screams.

I catch sight of him, tripping over my gown and falling flat onto my face. The crowd gasps as Mr. Franklin helps me to my feet.

My face is redder than a stop sign as I try to recover from the fall much like Jennifer Lawrence did in winning her Oscar; I had to own it.

As I shook hands with the rows of administrators and teachers, I kept glancing back at Luke. He was supposed to be in California with Kyle. I wonder and hope that Kyle is with him, though maybe he just came for me as my friend.

I'm handed my diploma and guided off the stage. I lift my hand in the air as I pass my family in the bleachers, winking before taking my seat once again.

Once all the names are called Mr. Franklin is back on the microphone. "Congratulations once again. I'm so proud of you. Now, a word from our very own Clark Jordan, also known as Kyle Blackburn."

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