day 3- villain attack

Start from the beginning

"ETA three minutes, Ladybird. Get ready." Oracle warns.

Two-Face smirks. "Well then, if you provide no use alive, and you're just a dirty little liar, I suppose we could just get rid of you now."

Marinette calls out to Trixx and Wayzz mentally. Wayzz, shelter her when they shoot. Trixx, disguise the shelter. Make it invisible, as well as yourselves. Go! The two kwamis confirm and she senses them zip out of the pocket dimension in her purse a moment later.

When the gun goes off, Lila screams, but the bullet never hits. It dissolves in the Shell-ter, but as far as anyone else knows, it just didn't work.

"Ladybird, two minutes." Marinette clicks out Understood. Protecting Lila.

Good job Trixx, Wayzz. I need Pollen and Stompp as well. On my signal, I'll need Pollen to venom the guards by the windows and Stompp to lower them to the ground, as silently as possible. Trixx, I'm sorry. I'll need you to hide them too. I'll give you extra berry tarts after this. The kwamis chorus their understanding, with a bit of grumbling on Trixx's part.

"Alright Ladybird. Do your thing." Oracle says. Marinette mentally sends out the signal, and she watches in satisfaction as the guards drop like stones. Only the class notices, as the rest of the henchmen and their leader are facing away from the windows. Idiots.

"Bats incoming." Oracle tells her.

At the same time, Red Hood swings in through the window with a loud crash and the sound of glass shattering, immediately taking out the four henchmen guarding the class with a few well-placed rubber bullets. Batman and Robin swoop in right after him, the Bat immediately going for Two-Face while Robin smacks a goon in the face with his bo. Nightwing leaps through the window, doing an unnecessary somersault as he lands, moving to assault the nearest henchman with his escrima sticks.

Marinette notes that all of them are hitting harder than usual, and smirks. The tiniest whistle of air makes her glance up. Spoiler is grinning at the class from above, her head poking out of the air vent. She drops down and starts helping her classmates into the vent, one by one. Black Bat (when did she enter?) is untying Lila from the chair. Her Guardian instincts tell her that all the kwami have returned to her purse.

Someone taps her shoulder, and she whirls around to see Spoiler. "Hello, random French civilian. The rest of your class is already up in the vents with directions out of the building. May I help you up?"

Marinette smiles. "Oh, thank you so much, Spoiler! You're my hero, but Red Hood is still my favorite! He's just so, eh, what's the English word, hot when he beats the bad guys up!" Red Hood chokes as he viciously kicks a henchman in the face nearby.

Spoiler smirks. "After you." Marinette hoists herself up into the vents, Spoiler climbing up after her. They follow her instructions out of the building, and one by one, the class slides out of the vents onto the sidewalk outside the museum.

Not long after, the Bats come out of the front entrance carrying an unconscious and handcuffed Two-Face and his men, all covered in bruises. Black Bat is helping Lila, still crying, without any of her usual sympathy on her face. The officers take the rogue and his goons into the police cars, and Batman speaks to Commissioner Gordon as the rest make their way over to the class.

Nightwing speaks first, in careful French. "Is everyone alright? Nobody has any severe injuries?" The class all shake their heads no. Red Hood is looking intently at her, and Marinette gives him the tiniest hint of a smile. God, I wish I could kiss you right now. Robin collapses his bo and gives the class a once-over, frowning.

"Where's your teacher?"

Marinette grimaces. "Mme. Bustier ran at the first sight of danger. She is probably back at our hotel."

The Bats all inhale sharply. "That little-" Red Hood starts, but the rest of his sentence is drowned out by a loud, prolonged beeeeeeeeeeeep.

Spoiler grins. "Ladybird and I convinced Robin to add a swear word censor to your helmet."

Nightwing is cackling, and Marinette smothers a smile. Hood is furious. "How beeep dare you! This is my beeeep helmet and you have no beep right to- agh, this beeeeep sound is so BEEEEP ANNOYING!"

All the Bats are doubled over with laughter by the end of it, and a few class members are cracking grins too. An hour later, everyone is back in their hotel rooms and a very pissed off Batfamily, sans Ladybird, are chewing out Mme. Bustier in the lobby.

Later that evening, Ladybird sits on a rooftop with Red Hood, taking a small break from patrol.

"Bustier is definitely fired, right?" She says, leaning into Jason's warmth. He wraps an arm around her.

"Mhm. She and that lying beep are headed back to France first thing tomorrow. The liar's gonna get tried for working with a terrorist. 'Anonymous' sources left proof. Also, can you remove the beeeep censor from my helmet?"

"No. I will not. If I must refrain from kissing you on patrol because of that infernal thing, then you can deal with the censor. Don't even try cursing in another language. Robin did a very good job of covering every language he speaks in that censor." Ladybird smirks into his shoulder.

"Aww, beep. Replacement speaks like fifteen languages!"

"Seventeen, actually. He's getting an extra box of mocha macarons for his efforts."

"That's not fair! I want extra macarons!"

Ladybird smiles. "Nobody else gets my kisses, mon chou. You already one-up everyone else."

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