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Chapter 45

"W-What do you mean?" I stuttered out. I blinked a few times and hoped she wasn't thinking what I was thinking.

"Honey... He's been removed from that room." She spoke softly.

"Why?" I asked confused. Why would they move him from his room and into another?

"Honey...He's-" She was quickly interrupted.

"Ah Mrs. Emily, back so soon?" The doctor said surprised.

"No. Not for me." I flicked a piece of hair behind my ear." Where's Justin? The guy that was with me. He was brought back here. He was shot." I explained.

"Yes. Mr. Bieber." The doctor flipped a few pages on his clipboard and raised an eyebrow.

"Let's go talk in my office, Mrs. Emily." The doctor said and began to lead me to his small office.

It was very small and there was a long desk and two chairs that sat in front of it. There was a small bookcase that held medical books and such. Things I could care less about.

There were plaques that the wall held and they were all awards of some sort.

I sat down in a chair and the doctor sat in his office chair behind the desk. He sat up straight and interlocked his fingers together.

"Mr. Bieber seemed to have trouble with his breathing. After we got the bullet out, things had gotten better. But hours after that, everything began going downhill. We couldn't do anything to help him." The doctor explained.

"Please. Please don't tell me.." The tears had already began falling and I felt like my lungs were collapsing. I felt like I would die myself and I wanted to, just to be with the love of my life.

"Mr. Bieber passed away this morning. I'm so sorry." The doctor finished.

I sobbed out in pain and all I wanted to do was not believe him, tell this doctor he was wrong or tell him that he made a mistake.

I didn't get to say goodbye or that I loved him and all I wanted in my entire twenty one years of living, was to have a family with the only person I cared about.


Now he wasn't here and now I didn't know which direction to go in.

All I knew for sure, was that I needed to apologize even though it wouldn't be face-to-face.

"I need to go." I breathed out.

I ran out as fast as I could and when I reached the parking lot, I didn't stop.

I didn't stop once to breath or to calm my joints.

When I did stop, it was because I reached a house.

I ran up to the door and pounded my fists on the door as hard as I could.

The door opened and my real mother stepped in front of me.

Her cheeks were tear stained and tissues were engulfed in her palms.

I threw my arms around her and cried into her shoulder as she did mine.

"I can't go on without him. I-I love him. Do you know how much I love him?" I sobbed out.

She nodded." I know honey, I know." Her voice soothed.

I couldn't breath right and all I could do was cry. My eyes burned and my throat was dry.

I didn't know what to do.





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