Chapter 24: Exact Moment

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"Hey cupcake!" Butt hurt jerk greets me at my locker Monday morning.

I smile at him. "Hey, jerk face."

He smiles, putting an arm around my shoulders. I lean into him. People look our way , curiously.

"Want to hang out after school?" I ask him.

"Sure." He says, stopping to look at me. "Instead do you want to come see my house? My dad won't be there, so you won't be able to meet him. My brother is still in town, but he'll be asleep at the house." He laughs. "He sleeps all day."

"Sounds great." And it was, despite my nerves.

"See you in lunch," he kissed my cheek right before we head opposite directions.


"What're you reading?" He asks, popping his head beside my book.

"A book." I tell him and go back to my reading. "And I want to go find another one."

I stand up, walking towards another bookshelf. Suddenly two hands are wrapped around my head, landing softly on my chest with their chin on my head.

"You're so short." Butt hurt jerk says.

"Shut up."

"It's cute though." I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Maybe it's just that you are tall." I tell him.

"And?" He asks.

I grin. "It's hot." He kisses the top of my head.

After finding a book for us both, we go sit down and read.

"You know what would be good while reading?" He asks me after a moment.

I look up at him. "What's that?"

He looks away from his book to look at me. "Some hot chocolate."

"It does." I say, turning a page in my book. "But we aren't ditching again, or any time soon."

"Why? Are you afraid to get in trouble?" He said in a high pitched voice.

I give him a glare. "No. I don't want to miss school."

He wrinkles his nose. "So you like school?"

"As long as I graduate." I said simply.

"You will, a few days missed won't hurt."

"It will too hurt, espically if my mom finds out." I bite my lip. I wasn't going to ditch another day just to go get some hot chocolate- don't get me wrong, I loved Get Away Delights. "We can always go after school." I assure him. "I can text my brother that you'll be driving me home."

"Like for a while now?"

I nod. "Yes."

"Okay. So, cupcake, what do you want to do?" He puts his book down.

"Uh, I thought we were reading." I shake my book a little.

He rolls his eyes. "We need to do something more fun."

I sit up straight. "Are you saying reading isn't fun?"

He leans in a little bit closer. "I never said that, it's just there is so many things to do. And you want to read."

"I happen to like reading, thank you very much." I defend.

"I do too," he says. "But right now? Not so much."

"Okay then what do you want to do?" I ask, pursing my lips.

His eyes trail down to my lips. With a husky voice he says, "I don't think you want to know at this exact moment."

My breath hitches in my throat, making a gasping sound. His eyes trail up to my eyes and I feel like my face is on fire.

Wow, did it suddenly just get hot in here?

I lick my dry lips, looking away from him. The tension between us in thick and he scoots closer to me.

I gulp.

I look over at him, his face very close to mine, heart racing.

I look down at his lips. "You know we are at school. . ."

His index fingers slips under my chin, moving my head up more and towards him. "I knew that already, cupcake, tell me something I don't know,"

"The only food that doesn't rot is honey." I say awkwardly.

He blinks. "What?"

"The only food that doesn't rot is honey," I repeat.

"Why did you tell me that?" He blinks again.

"You told me to tell you something you didn't know." I shrug. "And I did."

He bites his lip, looking at my lips then back at me. "Stop." He says quietly.

I lean in closer to him, so I can hear him better.  "What?"

"Stop being so adorable and just. . . everything." He says lightly. "You're making me want to kiss you. .a lot."

My breathing stops. "Why don't you?"

He stares at me, blue eyes to my green ones. "Because if I do," he says as he leans in even closer. "I won't be able to stop if I start right now." His nose touches mine, making me close my eyes.

It's way too hot in here.

"Um," my voice comes out thick. "T-Then let's go do something fun." I get out of my seat, away from his body being so close.

He gets up with me. "Take off your shoes." He said.


He takes off his shoes. "I said take off your shoes."

"Why?" I ask, looking at him.

"Just trust me, okay?" He reaches out his hand for me to take. I slip my shoes off and I put my hand in his.

And together we walk out of the library. Before I can say anything, he starts running with my hand firmly in his. I try to stop running by planting my feet in the ground, but he ends up pulling me while I slide on the floor.

I giggle. "Butt hurt jerk, this is too fuuuun!!!" I squeal the last part as we both fall.

He laughs, helping me up as we join hands to run down the hall again. We do and slide at the exact same time, still holding hands.

But before we can either stop we both collide with a body. The thing was, that person spilt food and milk all over us.

"Hey!" I yell.

I look at the person, attempting to stand up. Collins does the same, buy freezes when he sees who it is.

I look at the stupid person who ran into us, then my eyes widen. It's our principal who is glaring at us, milk soaking his head.

"Uh-oh," I mutter.

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