Stumbling In Chapter 4

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Once I reach the top I step out of the elevator slowly and draw my gun just in case. I hear arguing at the end of the hall and slowly walk towards it. Once I reach the door I lift my leg and kick the doors in and step in and point my gun at the closest one who is a little taller then me with blonde hair and green eyes as I grab him and put him in a choke hold with a gun to his forehead.
"Now who the hell are you people?" I growl.
"Lady calm down." Says the one who appears to be the leader with blonde hair, glasses and blue eyes he has a American accent unlike the rest of the people I've met.
"No really I want to know first the frog named Francis creeps on me at the airport then he shows up at my house and the next day some dude named Honda breaks into my house to please do tell me again to calm down." I say the end sarcastically.
"Ma'am will you please take the gun away from my head." The man I'm holding says nervously with a British accent.
"I'm the hero I'll figure this out." The American man says.
"Francis you bumbling fool." The British man says.
"What I did what you said I deliver the letter." Francis says.
"Obviously to the wrong house." The British man says again.
"Right house wrong person. Now explain what you want with john." I demand.
"How do you know him?" The British man asked curiously.
"I asked first England now tell me." I growl and he stiffens up when I call him England.
" he worked with us." He says.
"John has been retired for the last five years and he was in the army his entire life pretty much I doubt you guys were in his unit." I glare at the English man.
"How do you know that." He says shocked.
"If you knew him well enough you would know that." I growl pushing him away and running out of the room.
"Wait you didn't answer our question." The man calls from behind me.
"Don't feel like it." I say getting on the elevator.

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