chapter 3; melog

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adora walked off, leaving all the other princess to get ready for their mission.
"where are you going?" catra asked, knowing that adora was angry.
"whispering woods, i know it's not safe out with prime and all but i need to go there. you can um come if you like."

catra felt happy that adora wasn't pushing her away, even at her lowest moments, she knows that she would but she liked that she had a best friend back. having someone as caring as adora protecting her all her life was good but now she could return the favour and help her.

they sat down on a rock big enough to fit the two of them. they sat there in silence for a while until adora spoke which made catra jump.
"i'm sorry that the others can't see you, if there's anything i can do to hel-"
"i think i know theres a way they can"
adora looked confused, no one could possibly see her. i mean, she was a ghost yet and adora couldn't process how the other could see her. the whole forest started to glow as catra turned into something adora's never seen before.
"a cat, YOU'RE A CAT! this is perfect, now i'll have to give you a name."
she noticed the cat was sitting down on a log, patiently waiting to hear its new name.
"me me me" she put her hand on her chin and thought hard.
catra turned back to her ghost self. "that's perfect, but now you need a reason on how you found 'melog'."
"i could just tell them that i found you deep in the whispering woods and decided to take you in?"
"that's a terrible reason, but i guess it'll do. now let's gooo"

catra grabbed the blonde by her arm while turning back into melog. it was going to take some time to get used to, being an actual cat, but catra was ready and determined to learn in order to keep the one she loved protected. they finally reached the outside of the bright moon castle, somehow prime hasnt conquered it yet.
"you ready?" adora asked. melog nodded.

they both walked in and there princesses were all standing there but bow and glimmer.
"um guys, i maybe sorta found this um magic cat thing in the whispering woods and i had to take it in"
perfuma inspected it closely and carefully,
"it's eyes, it's eyes are just like catra's. i think it's special and can help us stop prime."

the way to the fright zone was quick and easy, they all managed to fight off horde primes bots and clones on the way. adora and catra walked slower than the others. this was their home, where so many good and horrible things happened. the home that also broke them apart and lied, manipulated them since they were children.
"it's weird isn't it, being back? so many memories here."
catra turned back to herself for a while to comfort adora.
"most of them bad."
she saw adoras emotionless face slowly turn into a frown.
"hey, i bet i can beat you to the forge"
adoras face lit up, catra loved seeing her happy, it brought her joy.
"uh because you always cheat!"

then the two started running while catra turned back in melog. they both giggled while making sure they couldn't be seen. doing things like this made them feel like children again. they reached the broken, isolated place.

"well it's different than i remember it," adora said almost sarcastically but genuinely looking concerned. melog looked up and its ears flopped down. adora took it as a sign that something didn't go well.

"scorpia? scorpia, where are you!" perfuma shouted, causing lights to flicker
"is she crazy, what is she doing??"
adora ran towards her and melog had no choice but to follow, she swore to protect her after all. even though she was nervous of meeting scorpia, she might not be in her ghost form but seeing someone she has hurt again and trying to apologise is something she was never good at.

"does nobody understand what stealth means!"
netossa groaned at the younger princesses and melog running off so carelessly. perfuma continued her shouting, filling up with more and more hope with every word. finally lights turned on, and they were exposed to an empty corner.
it was scorpia, but something was off. her eyes glowed green with bright veins surrounding her eyes, keeping her under mind control. but instead of attacking, she just stood there, lifeless, not herself.
"what is she doing, why isn't she attacking"
"she recognises us, i told you she'd never hurt her friends, scorpia!"
perfuma ran with a smile growing bigger across her face which suddenly turned into fear as scorpia lifted a claw and out came beam of crimson red electricity.
she fell with adora saving her just in time, worried and scared.
"she must not be able to tell that it's us?"
melog rushed over to adora, licking her and making sure she isn't hurt.
"i'm fine i'm fine but scorpia isn't. we need to save her"
melog up at scorpia, who was now covered in sparks of fire. it was astonished at her power, it's something catra had never seen before, and thought she would never see. with wide eyes she stood by adora
"you ready?" she winked, and she was not going to fail.
"for the honour of grayskull!"
things were finally going to get interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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