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It had been just over a month since Eclaire, yes she was named after a goddamn dessert, had been assigned to him and to say that she brought bad luck around with her everywhere she went would be an understatement. She threw bad luck around like confetti. He thought.

It wasn't anything malicious, really, just unfortunate events that kept repeating around her. Sometimes, she'd trip down the stairs as she followed Draco to his classes, get bitten by a damn bird she was trying to pet, spill piping hot beverage all over herself, knock over tables in classes and bump into virtually anything with four sides.

"I'm sorry!" Eclaire exclaimed as a fifth year ran through the corridor bumping into her.

"Why in Merlin's beard are you apologising?" Draco said to her, glaring at the woman who stood a foot shorter than him. She looked up and smiled.

"I bumped into him. It's only natural that I apologise." She explained like it was the simplest thing in the world.

Draco shook his head. He just wanted the damn culprit to be caught so he could be rid of the midget. She made him feel weird and Draco didn't like it.

His shoes clicked against the surface as he walked in long strides, seeing Eclaire almost run to catch up with him. He was still agitated at the fact that after more than a decade of the war, he still wasn't trusted and he wondered if he ever would be. No matter what he tried to do, his past always crept up to him, always.

"Do you want a cookie?" Eclaire asked in between her run, interrupting Draco's chain of thoughts.

"No." Draco snapped, not sparing her a glance as he opened the door to his office, leaving it open for the midget to walk in.

This was another trait of hers—offering him a variety of baked goods that Draco always declined.

He dropped the books on his desk and shed his coat, taking a seat on his chair. He pulled out the homework parchments that the students had submitted and pulled out his quill and red ink.

Midway through grading the papers he heard her voice again.

"You know, a pen works better than a quill. You don't need to keep dipping it in ink, saves a lot of time!"

Draco looked up to see her with a book in hand, her brown eyes wide with an everpresent twinkle and her mouth painted with a smile he'd been seeing everyday since he'd known her.

"A what?" Draco asked.

"A pen, silly!" She said waving her hand as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. It wasn't. Atleast not to the pureblooded wizard seated in front of her.

Draco quirked his eyebrow.

"You don't know what a pen is?" Eclaire asked incredulously.

Draco remained quiet, his gaze as cold as ever, unwavering but Eclaire didn't care about that. She quickly put her book down and began to rummage through her baby pink satchel that she always carried around with her. She pulled out a small cylindrical object and handed it to Draco, her palm outstretched.

Draco looked at the contraption sceptically. He'd never seen anything like it. When the silver haired wizard made no attempt to take it from her, she reached over and taking hold of his arm, put the pen in his grasp.

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