Episode 5C: Disaster Strikes

Start from the beginning

Bubble: Yois I understand. 

Leafy: Good, well let me tell ya the plan.

Team Chicken leg were done with the party, and they have to admit, it took a lot of work, but the party looks great.

Gelatin: Alright guys, I think we did a great job on the party, what do you guys think?

The rest all nodded in a agreement. 

Gelatin: Well I hope we win, I really don't want to lose again.

Just then They were all drawn away from the party as they saw smoke from the forest. Little did they know, that would probe to be a fatal mistake. As Team Chicken Leg was drawn away, Leafy and Bubble went to do the plan.

Leafy: Alright Bubble, do you got the Axe?

Bubble: *Sigh* Yes Loiafy right here.

Leafy: Alright. Now take this string and tie it to this string, then tie that to the door.

Bubble: Okoiy Loiafy.

Leafy noticed that bubble sounded kind of sad.

Leafy: Hey bubble? What's wrong?

Bubble: Loiafy, I don't want to do this anymore. This is just gone to far.

Leafy was starting to get mad. She started shouting a bit.

Leafy: You can't just stop now Bubble! We have already established that you have to help me! Or else!

Bubble finally started to stand up for herself.

Bubble: Loiafy, I don't care anymore! You can't force me to do anything! Oi'm done doing this! You have just gone to far!

Leafy: Bubble, I'm giving you 5 seconds to take that back.


Leafy was livid. 

Leafy: Okay. I warned you.

And with that, she grabbed bubble and shoved Yoyle Berries down her throat.


Leafy didn't listen. After Bubble turned metal, Leafy grabbed the axe and slowly chopped off all of her limbs. The screams were unbearable. Once she was done doing that she slowly started hacking away at her metal face leaving a bigger dent after every hack. As Bubble was moments away from death, Leafy stopped and dragged her into the woods and left her for dead.


GB: Huh, I guess it was nothing.

TB: It is kind of strange how a fire can just appear out of nowhere.

Just as they got back it was time for them to get judged on the party.

Woody: Alright so it's time for your team to get judged on the party.

Teardrop: I just hope its gonna be better then the last party.

Gelatin: Oh don't worry, this is gonna be 1,000,000x better than that party.  Now, How about you both walk in? 

So they both walked into the steakhouse. As they walked in, the saw the steakhouse and it was almost unrecognizable in the best way possible. The floor looked spotless and almost untouched. the tables had fancy silverware and table cloths. The classic music in the background. It was all perfect.

Teardrop: Wow, It looks fantastic.

Woody: I have to agree. It looks amazing.

Both were seated down at a table. Unknown to them however, something terrible was brewing outside the steakhouse. Leafy was putting the final touches on her plan. Let's just say, its gonna be something. Meanwhile on the inside of the steakhouse, Gelatin and the rest of his team were making it the best anniversary party possible. After all Both of them have been through a bit. However during the whole thing, Team Chicken Leg realized something.

Gelatin: Hey guys have any of you seen Bubble at all?

The rest of the team just shook their heads.

TB: Wait, now that I think about it, was she even there with us while we were checking out the fire?

They then realized no one has seen her since they went to check the fire.

GB: I think we should look for her after the challenge.

30 Minutes Later

Woody: Wow, that party was amazing, what do you think Teardrop?

Teardrop: Yes! This party was the best. I give it a 10/10!

Team Chicken Leg 10/10

Woody: So I think we have our winner. Team Chicken Leg!

Team CL: YAY!

Woody: So it looks like team Epic is up for elimination.

But then as they were walking out... An Axe came swinging down right at Woody's face!


Woody: Huh?

But it was too late....



Woody's Body was right there split into two. Teardrop just stood there in disbelief with tears streaming down her face. Everyone else was in shock, no one knew what to say.

Gelatin: Uh, T-Teardrop?

Teardrop: Y-Your team i-is up for e-e-elimination.

Gelatin: H-Huh?

Teardrop: Y-Y-You heard me....go a-away

They all just walked away...Leaving Teardrop to weep by herself....

Vote in the comments on who you want to be eliminated. Voting Ends on 7/16/2021

[A] GB

[B] TB

[C] Gelatin

[D] Spongy

[E] Bubble

.....Thanks for reading Jellyboi1 out

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