chapter 8: confrontation

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I stare at the screen, blue light emitting from my sleek black desktop that was littered with words and letters.

I fucking hate emails.

The words annoyed me but as a leader, I had to communicate with my women and men.

I look outside, the almost-summer sun gleaming, yet I was repping a black leather jacket under the air conditioning of my office.

I liked my morning peace and quiet where I would enter our headquarters building and get work done quietly. It gave me a sense of peace for the day, but in reality, I did like being around my men and the little kids learning how to spar.

I finish up an email when I hear a small commotion distant from my office.

The voices were muffled as I try to listen but the sounds stop.

Curious, I quickly send my last email before I get up to see what happened.

I didn't have to since the door barged open.

"Sir I-I am so sorry, she wouldn't let me make an appointment and persists-"


My secretary Julio, who was in his late 40's a father of one of our teenage trainees clears his throat in nervousness. He takes a step back and behind him was a furious girl with short black hair, who had her arms crossed against her chest.


"Sir I-"

"Its okay, Julio I'll take her in right now. Thank you."

Julio looks at Kiiara, slight fear in his eyes which made me smile in my head.

My physical expression was straight.

He's scared of her.

"Close the door", I tell her.

She steps in and closes the door a little to harshly.


"What the hell Nile. When you said you were going to put me into a class to start my training I did not expect to be with 12 and 14 year olds. These kids are teenagers, and I know for a fact you and your creepy men stalked me so you know I'm 18." "Eighteen! That's an adult just incase you weren't aware of common sense."

"You're in that class-"

She takes a step forward. "Im not finished. Do you know how embarrassing it is to take a class for kids when people my age are training in high levels? Better yet, the fact that there is a certain class for begginer adult trainees and you didn't put me in there still amazes to confuse the hell out me."

I rub my temples as she goes on.

Damn, this woman talks a lot.

"...and I want to know is this some way of you trying to embarrass me?"

"I'm not try-"

"Because no one knows I'm basically captive and you didn't just recruit me out of sheer interest."

"Now wait."

" I look like I suck at fighting and I look like an embarrassment in front of-"


I look at her straight in the eyes, raising my voice slightly in a warning and she surprisingly stops talking.

I take a moment to enjoy the silence.

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