It's Nikolai's fifth birthday is today and he's bouncing off the walls. Ok not literally but he's really excited. He invited a bunch of kids from school so we have a house full of four and five year olds. They all seem to have sugar rush and they haven't even eaten sweets yet.
My little boy ran around with his friends with different toys and playing. His laugh filled my ears making me smile. As a parent it's such a good feeling to hear your child laugh, it makes me feel good knowing I raised him to be a happy child.
"Cool party." One of the mums stood next to me.
"Yeah, Nicky picked it all out the other day." I told her trying not to be rude.
"What's his name short for?" She asked.
"Nikolai. But I call him Nicky." I replied.
"Oh." She nodded. "Where's his mum? Did she leave or something?"
"No, Sandra." I shook my head. "Nicky doesn't have a mum because I'm gay. His other father had a condition called hermaphroditism where he could get pregnant. His other dad did but died during child birth. Nicky's all I have left of him so I'm just trying to make him proud by raising our son."
"Wow, I didn't have any idea." She breathed out.
"Yep. Nicky is named after his other dad. When he was alive he wanted Elijah Nikolai Hale, but he passed on so I changed the name. That's how I got Nikolai Eli Hale, after both of us."
"So why do you call him Nicky not nick or Nikolai?"
"Funny story really. It's from the film little Nicky. My son takes after his late father a lot, personality and looks so when I heard the name, it kind of stuck. Although he'll most likely change it to nick when he's a teenager. You know what their like." I chuckled.
"Yeah. Dreading them years to come." Sandra giggled.
"Eli, ready for the cake?" Carl called over.
I nodded. "Nicky, come sit with me a moment." I told him. My son ran over to me and jumped in my arms. I say him on my hip and waited for Carl to bring out his birthday cake.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Nikolai, happy birthday to you." Everyone sang.
"Blow the candles with me daddy." He told me. I chuckled then got ready with Nicky. I pretended to blow the candles out letting my son do it himself.
Once all they flames went out, everyone cheered then dispersed. I set Nicky down and watched him run off to play with his friends again. Carl took the cake back into the house to cut it up and place it in the gift bags with small toys for the kids.
While watching my son play around, I felt familiar arms go around me and a chin on my shoulder. Nikolai always made an appearance at our sons birthdays but only I could feel, touch and see him.
"He's perfect." My husband whispered.
"Just like you." I smiled not taking my eyes off our son.
"I wish he could see me. I want to tell him I love him even just for five minutes like I get with you each year." Nick sighed.
"When he's older, one day baby. One day." I told him.
"He's growing too fast, he needs to stop." He chuckled a little.
"It's me who should be saying that." I chuckled as well.
"Stop feeding the poor kid then." Nick smiled and kissed my neck. "I've got to go now. I'll see you next year."

ParanormalEli sold his soul to the devil to save his family and his village. He asked for fertile lands with clean water. The devil granted him that but it all went wrong when Eli went out of village borders and got tuberculosis. He died and went to hell sinc...