"So, Bonnie how are you?"

"I'm doing good, can't complain." She nodded. "Would you like something to drink or any-"

"I need you to get back with my son."

And she thought that she was speechless before.

"Mrs. Salvatore-"

"You're the one, Bonnie. He loves you still and I know that you love him too. I've never on my life seen him as happy as he was when he was with you."

Yeah, well what about my happiness, "I'm not going to lie to you when I say that Stefan and I did talk about getting back together," she saw her face fill with glee, "but I'm seeing someone else. The timing is wrong, maybe if I was single then who knows but I'm dating a really great guy and I want to see where this relationship takes me."

"I see."

"I'm sorry but you know if Stefan and I are meant to be then I think we will. Maybe not now, but we will." She shrugged.

Mrs. Salvatore nodded then stood up before sitting back down.

"So, tell me about this guy you're dating."

Oh boy!


Joe smiled as he walked passed various women in bikinis or short shorts thinking that they were all looking at him but then he realized that they were looking at Mr. Salvatore. He looked at him himself, his arms were strong and had a nice set of abs but so did he. Maybe it was his age… Whatever the reason, he had to give him props because he wasn't giving the girls half, make that none at all, of the attention that they were giving him. He was acting like he was in a committed relationship and didn't want to get in trouble by his woman.

"You two go have fun, I'll be sitting over there." Stefan said then walked back to an area shaded with an umbrella.

He hated to feel this way, but he felt like the third wheel. He was glad that Raina was having fun but he wanted her to have fun with him. They went to a boardwalk fair the other day and since all the rides call for two people, he acted as if he didn't care, like he didn't want to ride the rides anyway. Yes, he could've asked one of the many women trying to get his attention to join him for some fun, but thought better of it. He didn't want Raina to think that he was that type of guy, so he paid no mind to their flirting.

He smiled watching Raina laugh as Joe splashes her then his attention turned away from his daughter and her boyfriend and onto a pair of tanned legs. He looked quickly up at her eyes through his pair of shades then turned his attention away. She didn't get the hint, he assumed, when she sat down next to him and let out a breath.

"Is that your kid?"

To answer or not to answer, that is the question.

"Yeah, I brought her here with her boyfriend for a little vacation."

"And you're all alone? That's no fair."

She looked down and saw the absents of a gold band on his finger and allowed herself to relax some more. She's been there before, unintentionally, and she does not want to go there again.

"My name is Kayla by the way."


"Are you from around here, Stefan?"

"No, just here on vacation."

She nodded knowing she wasn't going to get a further explanation. "Well I'm here with my friends over there." She pointed and Stefan gave her the satisfaction of looking. "Listen there's a party going on tonight in that bar off shore maybe when the kids are asleep you can drop by?" She saw him thinking. "I'll save you a dance, it'll be fun."

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