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- Can you imagine a world with no music? It would suck. - Harry

- Loving someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a ship at the airport. - Zayn

- I study rainbows. - Harry

- Zayn doesn't make eye contact with the fans that much. I think he's afraid they might melt. - Niall

- When a fan asks me to marry them, I always say yes. - Niall

- If people talk behind your back, it's because you're ahead of them. - Zayn

- I think if I was a food I'd be chili because... you know, I'm hot. - Louis

- Never compromise your beliefs for anything or anyone. - Zayn

- Our fans are still the best fans in the world, there's just no doubt about that. - Liam

- Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow. - Zayn

Ich hab' es geschafft.  :)
Bitte einen Applaus!

Naja ^-^
Wer soll als nächstes Bild ins Kapitel?

Und habt ihr euch über das Kapitel gefreut? (Besonders die, die mal die Zitate auf Englisch wollten)

Musste das alles am Handy schreiben :(
Musste sogar alle Zitate auf ein Blatt schreiben und dann hier nochmal neu :D

Naja. Das wars :) ♡
Bis irgendwann

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