Encountering The Snake

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Name: Unknown: Aka Viper
Age: 23
Height: 5'5
Abilities: Master in ninjutsu, Taekwondo, Arnis, Laido, Kendo, Bojutsu, Kyusho Jitsu, boxing, Kyūdō, Dim Mak, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Vale Tudo, Gun Fu, and Silat

Dick's pov

Tigress, Miss Martian, and I snuck around the abandoned League of Shadows facility when I began to hear movement. "Guys someone is coming!" I stated panicked. We quickly hid in the vents when Black Mask came walking down the hallway. "Are you sure he will be here?" He snapped at his assistant. "Yes, I am sure Mr. Black Mask." The assistant replied. Suddenly a figure jumped down from the rafters and rose to show itself. Long black hair drifted down from her head and her mouth was covered by a mask. She handed a note to Black Mask and stood silently. "So you will dispose of the bird infestation?" Black Mask asked. She nodded her head and horror-struck through me. Suddenly she was gone and the need to save my brother consumed me. "We need to protect my brothers," I said into the mind link. "Are you sure they meant your brothers?" Artemis asked. "Yeah, maybe he does have a bird infestation." Megan chimed. "No my brothers are the most wanted heroes in Gotham and they happen to be named after birds," I replied.


The dark figure hopped into the sewers and followed along the old pipe. Soon she came to a dead end. However, she pushed a brick in the wall and it opened for her. Bright lights flashed through the empty hallway. Her almost dead eyes scanned the hallway and she stepped into the hallway. She stormed down the labyrinth of tunnels. Soon she came across a door that had noise on the other end. She kicked down the door with extreme strength. "Well hello Viper, welcome to the Court of Owls." The Grandmaster said. Viper kept her head held high as they proceeded to speak. "So you what brings the leagues most infamous servant to my court?" He asked. Viper jumped up onto his podium with ease and handed him a letter. Which was written in Ra Al Ghul's handwriting. "Fear Court of Owls, you have been present within Gotham for many years now. However, Gotham fails to improve. You bring more terror to the city. Our views no longer collide. I send my Urdubegis to dispose of the Court of Owls. I Ra Al Ghul sentence you and your court to death." The letter stated. The Grandmaster looked in horror at Viper when suddenly she chopped off his neck. Screams erupted from the crowd and talons jumped out to stop her. She grabbed her guns and began firing into the crowd with expert precision. Soon the talons fell at her feet and she stood in a circle of death. She tapped the com in her ear and growled. "Mission was a success. Come back Viper." Lady Sheva commanded. Viper disconnected her com and began her journey back to the league's headquarters.

Dick's pov

"Dick slow down, no one has been attacked tonight." Bruce insured me. "Then what was Black Mask talking about?" I asked. Suddenly the news which was on was interrupted and there stood Lady Sheva. "Greetings citizens of Gotham. I am Lady Sheva of the League of Shadows. For years your city has been under the control of a group called the Court of Owls. They have assassinated high members of society and controlled you employing terror. Well no more. We sent our best assassin and they took down the league by force. By this evening at midnight, Commissioner James Gordon will be given the directions to the headquarters and the Court Of Owls will be a thing of the past." She said confidently and the feed turned off. The newscasters stared shocked at the camera and we all remained frozen. "Alright well, ladies and gentlemen. I guess that is the end of our show. See you later." The man said and the news turned off. "Viper destroyed the birds...The court of owls." Tim muttered to himself. "Why would they want to destroy the court?" Bruce asked. "The League and Court of Owls had a treaty. That as long as their interest aligned they would keep the alliance. The court listened because the league had Viper, but the Court must have done something to break that treaty." Damian stated. "You are correct my son," Talia smirked as she stepped out of the shadows. We all pointed out weapons at her and went into fighting stances. "Talia," Bruce growled. "Hello beloved. Father sent me to inform you that the league will be stepping in." Talia stated. "Why are you telling us. Hun do you plan on taking Damian?" I snapped. "Oh no, I am simply warning you that if you get into our way. You will be sighing your death warrant." Talia growled. "Now goodnight." She added and left the cave. I stared in shock at the spot where she once stood.


Viper walked into the throne room and bowed to Ra Al Ghul. "I presume you have the head of the Grandmaster." He hissed. Viper grabbed the pack on her back and threw it at his feet. The head of the Grandmaster rolled out onto the floor. Ra Al Ghul smirked. "Very good Viper, go to Lady Sheva," Ra commanded. Viper left the room in silence and went to find "She is an excellent slave." Slade Wilson sneered. "Indeed she has proven herself. However, she has some improvements that need to be taken care of." Ra hissed.

Viper's silhouette hung in the center of the room with blue lights surrounding her. Metal chains pulled her limbs apart and two thin metal bars kept her eyes from closing. "Don't worry Slave. This will be all over with soon." A doctor hissed as he pulled down a lever. A mumbled scream echoed from her form as her eyes became bloodshot.

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