I love you daddy

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I was woken up by a small body jumping on my bed singing little Einstein's. It's his favourite show and can't go a day without watching it.

"We're going on trip in our favourite rocket ship, zooming through the sky, little Einstein's." Nikolai sang loudly. I chuckled and sat up, only to have my son jump into my arms. I wrapped my arms around him holding him to my chest.

"Are you wanting me to get you ready for school?" I asked him.

"Yeah." Nikolai giggled and jumped on my bed again. I chuckled and stood up grabbing my son to put him in the bath.

Once he was bathed and dry, I dressed him a casual jeans black T-shirt with a jacket and trainers. I swear this kid has more shoes than me because of Darren and Brandon. Lexi and Hannah get him clothes all the time that I struggle to get my own son things.

We all ate breakfast together then finished getting ready. I had a quick shower then changed before leaving the house.

"Ready Nicky?" I asked my son. He nodded and ran up to me. I sat him on my hip while walking out to the car. After getting him on a booster seat and strapping him in, I got in the car as well to start driving.

Soon enough we get to Nicky's school. We were a couple minutes early so we had to wait for a teacher to open the door for him and others to go in. His teacher is a demon who gladly took in Nikolai to teach him to be a normal little boy.

"It's cold daddy." My son shivered beneath his coat. I chuckled and picked him up making sure to radiate my heat from me to him. Nikolai laid his head on my shoulder and closing his eyes from the warmth.

"Nicky don't fall asleep, you got to be in school in five minutes." I told him. He opened his eyes but still looked sleepy.

Soon enough, the doors opened and I walked over then out Nikolai down. Tears started to form in his eyes like any other day. Yeah, Nicky doesn't like me leaving him that some days it gets so bad I have to stay with him. Immediately I kneeled down to his height and wiped the few stray tears that fell.

"No tears Nicky, alright? You're a big boy and can do this on your own. Miss miller will be here with you, you'll be fine. And when I pick you up, we can go to the park for a while." I told him.

"Don't leave me." My little boy cried.

I pulled him to my chest and kissed the top of your head. "I'll never leave you Nicky, ever. But this is school that you need to have. You're only here for four hours then I will come and get you. It'll fly by and before you know it, we'll be at the park."

"Ok." My son sniffled. I kissed his forehead and hugged him once more before walking through the door.

"I love you daddy." He called back to me. Tears still threatening to fall.

"I love you to Nicky." I called back with a smile. When he was out of sight, I turned around to see a few of the mums staring at me.

"He's so cute. I'm sure his mum is lucky to have you both." One of them said.

"My son doesn't have a mother." I chuckled and walked away. All their faces fell clearly thinking I was straight. Far from it ladies and I won't be taking another man or woman again.

After a while, I got to the place I've been to every day since he was laid to rest. Nicks grave just to sit and talk to him to feel somewhat close to him even in death.

"Hey baby, the day I've had so far." I chuckled. "I swear our son has separation anxiety like you had whenever I left you alone. He's such a big boy now, reading and slowly starting to write. He definitely likes it when my wings are around him like you did, he tells me it makes him feel safe." I started crying. "It's unreal how much he's like you. Looks and personality wise which I'm grateful for. It's like I get to still have you around as well as having my own son. It's still so hard without waking up to you and seeing you every day but I'm getting through it. Slowly but surely I'm getting there, Nicky helps a lot and he doesn't even know it. I find it funny how you were Nick and he's Nicky. I got it from little Nicky with Adam Sandler seeing as he is literally the little version on you with my hair." I laughed a little and wiped my eyes. "I can't express to you how much I miss you but I'm getting there. Slowly getting used to you not being here with me. I love you Nick, always and forever."

Before I knew it, I had to go pick up my little boy. He screamed and laughed running up to me when he saw me. He jumped into my arms and I held him to my chest and laughed at his usual behaviour.

"Hey bud, miss me that much." I chuckled.

"I always miss you daddy." Nikolai smiled and laid his head on my shoulder. He didn't have his coat on so I made sure to radiate warmth to him which lulled him to sleep. Father like son.

His teacher gave me his coat and small rucksack which I thanked her for. I got back to the car and strapped my son in before driving off.

When we got home, I hung up his coat and bag before taking him to his room for his nap. I laid him on his bed then took off his jeans and T-shirt changing him into a onesie he likes to sleep in.

Once that was done, I went downstairs and sat down with Darren, Hannah, Lexi, Brandon and Carl.

"Alright mate?" Carl chuckled.

"Yeah. Still get tears even after two years of him going to school." I replied with a small laugh of my own.

"At least you didn't have to stay with him like you do sometimes." Lexi giggled.

"True." I nodded.

"What's wrong hun?" Hannah asked me.

"Nothing, just, reminiscing old memories that Nicky seems to keep making." I sighed with a smile.

"Like father like son." Darren chuckled.

"Definitely like his father." I smiled thinking of my husband.

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