Four years later

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Once again I found myself stood at the window of my bedroom with it open. The sound of thunder filled my ears and the flash of Lightning brightening the sky for seconds at a time.

The storm had been going on for a while and all I could hear was the moans and headboards against the wall from Hannah and Darren, Lexi and Brandon, lastly Carl and Julia his girlfriend of two years a demon as well.

All of a sudden I heard cries over the sounds of my families activities. Putting my cup of Jack Daniels down, I left my room and down the hallway. Upon opening the door of my sons room, his cries got louder to me.

Not seeing him on his bed, instead I found a foot hanging out from underneath his bed. A smile formed on my face from my son being so much like his father before he passed on.

"Nicky." I called out softly. His small head peaked out from under the bed. His chubby red cheeks stained with tears as well as his blue eyes like mine, the only feature he got from me other than my dark hair, everything else is Nick.

A stuffed elephant hugged tightly to his chest as he looked at me. I walked over to him and kneeled down, pulling my son from the comforts under his bed into my warm embrace.

His head laid on my shoulder as I carried him to my room where his safe space is. The bed where his father once held him before passing. I picked up my drink again and downed the last of the liquor before standing by the window again.

"I don't like storms." Nikolai whimpered.

"Neither did your daddy." I chuckled a little.

"Where did he go?" My son asked me.

"For storms?" I looked at him getting a nod from him. "He went under the bed like you do with the covers and a pillow to hug. But then I got him and took him to a special place where he got over his fear of storms with a little company."

"Can I see?" He asked. I smiled softly and nodded. Feeling deja vu, I put my son on my back and told him to hold tight. Once we got to the roof, I sat down on a arm chair I put up there.

Nikolai laying back on my chest as we watched the lightning light up the sky.

"I don't like it." He cried and turned his face to my chest where he fisted my shirt.

"Look, Nicky." I told him and he looked out to the sky. My chin on his small shoulder holding him tightly to make him feel safe.

"Thunder is a peaceful sound, it makes everyone silent as they listen to it every so often. The thunder rolls making some scared when there is nothing to be frightened of. Lightning is a beautiful creation made between the clouds, it can light up a town one second and be gone the next. If you count the seconds between each roll of thunder you can estimate when the next one will be and how long it will take for the storm to pass and move on. Don't be scared my son, thunder and lightning is a beautiful thing to hear and see when it doesn't come often." I told him.

"Did you count with daddy?" He looked up at me with sad eyes.

"Every time." I lied. Can't exactly tell a four year old what me and his dad did every thunder storm can I?

A clash of thunder sounded making my son jump.

"One, two." I started. "Three, four, five." Nikolai joined in with me. "Six, seven." We stopped when another sound of thunder came with a flash of lightning.

"See, it takes your mind of the thing and you can count each time. And seeing lighting isn't scary at all. You just have to be open minded about its beauty not what it can do." I smiled at him.

"When can I meet daddy?" Nikolai held hope in his eyes looking up at me.

"One day Nicky, one day." I kissed his head. He nodded and turned to watch the lightning. Counting whenever thunder rumbled making Nikolai giggle.

When the storm finished it was around 2:00am. I stood up placing my son on my hip and walking to the edge of the house.

"Come on Nicky, bed time now."

"No daddy, I'm not sleepy." He yawned.

"Alright. What do you want to do?" I chuckled a little. "I know, let's see who can keep their eyes closed the longest."

Nikolai nodded then laid his head on my shoulder closing his eyes. I did the same so he thought it was a game but then opened my eyes. I waited ten minutes feeling my son slowly relax and his breathing even out. A smile formed again knowing my son would fall asleep eventually.

Carefully I got back into my room then going into his. I laid him down and covered his small body then turning off his lamp by his bed. After placing a kiss on his head, I walked out of his room, only shutting the door a little incase he needed me for anything.

I saw Lexi and Brandon come out of their room smiling and giggling quietly.

"Sorry, did we wake up Nikolai?" Lexi bit her bottom lip nervously.

"No, scared of the storm." I chuckled a little.

"How is he sleeping then?" Brandon frowned.

"That's our secret. Why are you two still up anyway? The storm ended twenty minutes ago." I raised one eyebrow.

"Extra curricular activities?" They said but it sounded more of a question.

"Horny demons." I chuckled shaking my head and walking past them. I heard them giggle again and go downstairs.

In my room again, I poured myself another glass of jack before going to bed. I changed into my pyjamas then climbed into bed.

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