5 months later

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Kitten and Red were getting married to their lovers, everybody went, but somebody was jealous because they lost kitten to Dabi, so Deku had a plan to take kitten back, but how.

Deku's pov
I wanted kitten to myself but looks like I have to get him back, but what about Dabi, what should I do, maybe I can share him with Dabi, who knows, Deku asked Dabi, Dabi  declined and made Deku really mad.

When deku got mad he said " I will kill you and take back my kitten, but Dabi already knew and so did kitten, so what did they do?.

They had came up with a plan, that kitten would only go back if he can defeat him, Red, Dabi, and Shig. But if not deku will die instead of them, so it all started one night after a party, but only four people made it out, and one of them was bakugou, but deku never made it out alive, Red was wanting to go home, because  he wasn't felling well so, that all went home, but Shig  thought something was off about red so, they did some digging  and found out that he was pregnant.

I knew I was pregnant, but I didn't want to tell anybody because  I didn't know how they were going  to react, so I didn't  drink at the party and I was feeling sick to my stomach, so I asked if we can go home so we did.

I never thought this day was going to happen I was so happy, but I knew red didn't  want me to know, but the good news is that Dabi is also going to be a father, I can't wait until red wakes up, and everyone else can find out.

When red wakes up everyone was waiting for him in the living room, so once he got down there, he knew what was gonna happen, so started crying, but shig told him that it was going to be all right and they hugged each other, and they talked about  what is going to happen, but kitten told red as well, so they are planning to have there new born due around the same time has the other one, so they can be both really close to each other and be best friends forever.

On the day were they are gave birth, there kids were twins for kitten and red, kiteens kids were half black and blonde hair, and same with the eyes of each parent, and the same thing goes for red, but its red and blue.

After some time there kids grew up and became the number one heros, and was the ruler of the world, but Dabi, and kitten, with there friends red and Shig, finally had peace to be who they want without getting judged, furthermore there kids were also part of there world, and they loved there kids no matter what becomes of them, so they died a few years later, but there kids still remember them.

I finished it, let me know what you thank about it, I also have other books, but please don't read klance fanfiction, I wrote that before  I started  to get good at writing.

By my lovies, see next time.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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