Eli sold his soul to the devil to save his family and his village. He asked for fertile lands with clean water. The devil granted him that but it all went wrong when Eli went out of village borders and got tuberculosis. He died and went to hell sinc...
When I woke up, I had Brandon's arms tightly wrapped around my waist. My back was pulled flushed against his chest. I couldn't hear anyone else awake so I moved out of the arms of my boyfriend to check on the baby.
Before I got to the nursery I felt Brandon pull me back by my waist and kiss my neck. I giggled but carried on into the room. When we got to the cot the baby wasn't in there.
"Where is he?" Brandon frowned.
"Probably with Hannah and Darren or Carl." I shrugged. We went to each bedroom quietly not to wake anyone. Carl was sat up on his phone but didn't have the baby.
"Do you know where the baby is?" I asked.
"No. Should be in his cot." He replied and stood up. Brandon, Carl and I went into Hannah and Darren's room. Both cuddling up together but awake.
"Do you have the baby?" Carl asked them.
"No." They both frowned and got up.
"He wasn't in his cot when I went I went to check on him." I freaked out. We all started looking around the house for him trying not to freak out.
We all met up in the living room trying to think where the baby could be.
"Y-you don't think Eli did anything do you?" Hannah looked at all of us worriedly.
"We should go ask. Just to be sure." Carl sighed. He didn't want to believe that Eli would harm an infant but the way he thinks, its not impossible for Eli to do something. I really hope he hasn't though.
We all walked up to his room and quietly knocked on the door. He didn't answer so we opened the door and all gasped.
On the bed laid Eli on his side and the tiny baby under his chin. He had his arm draped over the small body but not enough to cause harm. Hannah got her phone out and took a picture so I did the same.
After a month, Eli finally picked up the baby. It was a surprise to know he picked him up but to let him sleep in his bed, that was even more surprising.
"Eli, honey wake up." Hannah slightly shook his shoulder.
"What?" Eli grumbled.
"If you want more sleep you can. Just let me take the baby so he can have a bottle." She told him.
"Hmm, no. Not yet." He tightened his arm around the baby a little, showing he didn't want to let Hannah take him.
"He needs a bottle because he went all night without one. Can I take him?" She persisted with him.
"No Hannah. I gave him one half an hour ago that's why he didn't wake up. Now get out." Eli whined.
I bit my bottom lip trying to stop a laugh from sounding. Hannah smiled and nodded before standing straight and walking over to Darren. We all left Eli to sleep, to let him have his some like we've all wanted him to do since the very beginning.
Being woken up by Hannah annoyed me. Nikolai and I were happily sleeping but Hannah had to wake us up. My son let out a cute little noise with his bottom lip quivering but he calmed down when I laid him on my chest.
A yawn escaped my mouth as I rubbed my eyes trying to wake myself up.
"How about a bath? Huh? Your daddy liked baths a lot. Especially with me but you're too young to understand yet." I chuckled lightly and stood up.
I went into the bathroom and filled up the bath tub with water and bubbles. So it wouldn't burn him, I made the water fairly cold but warm enough for both of us to be in there.
Once the tub was full, I got Nikolai undressed then myself. With great difficulty may I add, trying to undress yourself while holding a baby is harder than it looks. But I did it and got into the bath.
My son squirmed making cute noises but stopped when his cheek laid on my chest. His small body laid on mine while I gently used my hand to put water over his back. Small snores filled my ears, now that's a trait from me. Once again I chuckled lightly not wanting to wake my son.
After a while, I got out skilfully wrapping a towel around my waist then one around Nikolai. I left my room and into the nursery, picking out an outfit and a nappy. Also picking up a blanket before going back to my room.
Once in my room, I shut the door and set all the things on the bed. I carefully dried Nikolai then pulled him to my chest and put the blanket over his small naked body. His bare bum on my hand with his bare chest on mine. His hand right over where my heart should be.
"Too cute." I mumbled as I gently rocked the baby. Another small smile formed on his lips followed by him opening his eyes.
Dark blue orbs met mine. I laid him down on the bed making sure to cover his junk with the blanket and taking my phone out. His dark hair spiked up from the bath making it hard not to take a photo.
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I chuckled then got him dressed in a simple white baby grow and vest, a creme hat placed on his head making up the look. Once he was ok, I placed a blanket over him and two pillows either side of him while I got dressed.
Once I had on simple pyjama bottoms, I picked up Nikolai and put him to my chest. His cheek rubbed against my chest lulling him to sleep. My warmth radiated from me to him helping the small baby keep warm and sleep.
This is my forever now, and I know nick would be proud.