Chapter 1: WOW how rude...

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Rays PoV

I was getting ready for work when my little sister, Lizzy, stopped me...

Lizzy: Are you going to work again Ray?

Me: umm *looks around* yea

Lizzy: I have a book waiting at the library, can you get it for me?

Me: sure! I'll get it, anything else?

Lizzy: yes, two more things 1. Can you get me a muffin and a latte 2. My friends are coming over for tutoring at 3:30 is that a good time?

Me: 1. I see if I can get you your food 2. Does 4:00 work?

Lizzy: Yea! It works thank you *hugs Ray*

Me: thank you for what?

Lizzy: My friends and I were failing classes, but ever since you helped us we've been at the top of the class so thank you!

Me: oh well then your welcome *hugs Lizzy* I have to go or i'll be late, bye bye Lizzy

Lizzy: Bye, bye Ray! 

   When I got to work my favorite coworker Connie was waiting for me at the front of the Coffee Shop, she looked down at her watch and said "You are 5 minutes late, boss was worried..." to which I responded *aww she was...i was talking with my sister-''''Why didn't you bring her she's my favorite sibling of yours" Connie wined "oh so Ezra, your boyfriend means nothing to you?" then she said "Wha- Noooooo that's not it" "let's just get to work dork" I said patting her head (Connie and Conny aren't the same person) 

   I clocked myself in, the the next thing I knew was my boss Lily was yelling at me for being late, I was the assistant manager of "The Lucky Cup" and basically the manager whenever she isn't there

Me: look I'm really sorry I was talking with my sister...then there was traffic, and I'm sorry

Lily: *inhale, exhale* It's fine I guess just try not to be late ok? You're my best cook and my assistant manager so try....

Me: I will I am really very sorry

Lily: like I said it's fine, *looks at watch* oop- I have to go- *turns to Connie* you're closing today ok?

Connie: *gets off of phone* oh, ok boss   

   I got at work at 10:00 am and it was 2:45 pm, I had 15 minutes until I can leave, I was counting down the minutes until "freedom " but I can't use that word one knows what happened at Gracefield, and to answer the "What happened to you ear?" question I just answered "Oh I was born without one" I was lost in thought when an oddly familiar voice said "hey...I've been wondering of you where ok....sir?" I got up quickly and said "wha-" their appearance stopped my talking in my tracks, It was two girls one with green-ish hair and glasses and the other had green eyes and orange hair "Emma? Gilda? is- is that you?"

Emma: how do you know our names sir?

Me: *I took my hair out off the braid Lizzy did and took my work hat off* Well my name is Ray and you too look a lot like my friends that I haven't seen in five years

Gilda & Emma: RAY?!   

   My whole world lit up, Then Connie came around the corner "I HEARD YELLING!" then she stopped, "Oh Ray they look like the people you told me about..." My alarm went off and it was 3:00 "oh no I have to go...but can I have your numbers? Not in a weird way" I said hoping that they wanted to talk to me..."I don't see why not, here" said Emma, i could tell that her world lit up as well. 

I left the shop and got in my car to go and pick up Lizzy's book, but when I was waiting in the library I saw someone, he looked so much like Norman, But I couldn't bring myself to talk to him, for some reason...I got the book and leaving the library when I heard the boy with white hair say "WOW how rude Ray~ I don't even get one of my hello slaps anymore huh? Sad I was really looking forward to it..." (that was a Ch. 119 of the manga reference U^U) "N-norman- i-is that you?" I said having trouble breathing, I was going to faint...

//That the end// next Ch. soon Thank you for reading this crap :-

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