I kept by Nick's side. He held my hand and squeezed it every time there was a contraction. His face was covered in sweat and very pale that I knew what was to come next. I just haven't accepted that.
All of a sudden, nick screamed putting on hand to his bump and the other squeezing my hand tightly.
"Get him out!" My husband screamed and cried in agony.
"Nick you need to push, alright? To get him out you need to push." Carl told him. Nick nodded and pushed all he could. "Darren and Brandon I need you both to hold his legs up. No matter how much nick pushes to get them down don't let it." He added.
Darren and Brandon bent nicks knees and held them so Darren was stood right next to me. I kept my eyes on nick and my hand in his. His face was getting more and more pale I just didn't want to believe the outcome.
"Stay awake nick and keep pushing." Carl told him. Lexi and Hannah stood to the side letting us men do what we needed to do.
"Come on baby, you got this." I told him. Nick weakly nodded and pushed again. He cried out yet didn't give up trying to get... the baby out.
"Keep them eyes open nick. You've got to be strong for the baby. You're doing so good." Carl told him.
"I got this." Nick mumbled. His eyes closed as he pushed. His teeth clenched while he kept a firm grip on my hand but I could feel it losing grip and weakening but never fully going.
"Come on baby, you got this." I told him and kissed his head. Once again nick took a deep breath and started pushing. I kept on saying comforting things in his ear while he pushed as much as he could.
"I can't do it. I can't do it." Nick sobbed and laid his head on my chest.
"Nick you deliver this baby and raise him. Come you, you've got this. Don't you dare give up." Darren said with a clenched jaw. I guess nick hasn't only impacted me but darren as well.
After a while, Carl said he could see the head. Nick smiled a little and cried but didn't give up pushing. Soon enough, a baby was placed on nicks chest. A boy laid their crying but it was quiet. I still kept hold of nicks hand while he looked at the small boy. Very small boy.
"He's beautiful." Nick smiled weakly. His eyes dropping but tried to keep them open. "I love you." He turned to me then back to the baby.
"I love you to." I kissed the top of his head. But I still couldn't bring myself to look at the baby.
All of a sudden, nick groaned and gripped my hand tightly. Then nicks eyes went dull and his breathing stopped. His hand fell from mine and my heart sank. It was like it was all in slow motion. I grabbed his shoulders and shook them.
"Eli take the baby." Carl took it from nicks chest and quickly wrapped it in a towel holding it up to me.
"You keep that think away from me." I growled and started chest compressions on nick. Even with mouth to mouth he wouldn't wake and it was slowly killing me. Tears formed in my eyes and spilling over with that horrible lump in my throat.
"I'll take him, Carl." Lexi held her arms out. He quickly handed the baby over telling Lexi to put him in the incubator and what things to do to him.
Once she had it, she left the room. Good, that thing killed nick. Carl tried to move me out of the way but I wouldn't let him touch my husband. He needed to come back.
"Don't leave me, don't you fucking leave me nick. You come back to me now." I yelled as tears streamed down my cheeks. "Don't leave me baby." I begged making my voice crack.
Carl put two fingers to his neck and sighed. "Time of death, 10:35am. Eli you gotta let him go." He put a hand on my wrist.
"No." I growled and carried on chest compressions. "He can't leave me, not yet. Not ever. Fucking come back to me."
"Eli." Darren got my wrist and looked at me with red eyes that were glossed over. "He's gone."
I moved away and put the back of my hand to my mouth to stop me from letting out sobs. My eyes never straying from my husbands body laying there.
"Eli." Hannah started.
"Don't fucking talk to me." I spat out.
"It'll be alright." She cried.
"No it won't." I yelled. "That thing killed him and you all let it happen. You all put shit in his head that he'll live through it but knew he wouldn't. You lied not only to him but me as well. It won't be alright will it Hannah. Now I'm stuck alone... again, I'm in this shitty world alone again because I everyone fucking leaves me. Keep that thing away, get rid of it. I never want to see it, not now not ever. Kill it for all I care."
With that I walked away. Lexi stood by the room which is the baby nursery crying. I just shook my head and went to my room slamming the door behind me. The lock slid across making sure no one could get it. I went up to the roof and cried.
I cried for me and for nick. Losing the love of your life is the shittiest things to ever happen. Nick should be here in the house healthy and ok, not that. This is not how I imagined looking at nicks dead body.
He should have died of old age in my arms. Not at eighteen from childbirth because of me. My husband died because I was stupid to think that nothing would happen knowing what he had, knowing that I still reproduce a little.
Only if I could leave this world to, but I can't. I love you nick, even in death.

ParanormalEli sold his soul to the devil to save his family and his village. He asked for fertile lands with clean water. The devil granted him that but it all went wrong when Eli went out of village borders and got tuberculosis. He died and went to hell sinc...