Soon enough, as Ji eun was falling asleep in his arms, Bin's manager called again. This time, he decided to gently pass Ji eun to Yejin who was thankfully just beside him.

"Hyung!" Bin's manager exclaimed.

"Yes, Do ha. What's going on?"

"Hyung! You've been nominated for the President's award. It's the same one Yejin noona won back in 2018."

Yejin was staring intently at Bin as she could somewhat hear the very good news, she was about to jump onto Bin and give him a hug but she then realised that Ji eun was fast asleep in her arms, and considering that she's 3.5 months pregnant, it would not be a good idea to jump onto him.

After the call, Yejin slowly got up with Ji eun still asleep in her arms, gently crashed into Bin and gave him a chaste kiss.

"Congratulations, my Bin-ssi."

"Thank you, my love."

After receiving the good news, Yejin decided to take it upon herself to find Bin-ssi his suit for the award ceremony.

It was her responsibility that her babies are well dressed, and this big baby is no exception.

As the afternoon went on, she was busy looking at different styles of suits that Bin could wear. It was only after an hour or two of deciding, that she put in an order for a Tom Ford suit.

Not to mention, she paid for it entirely.

"Baby, you didn't have to. I could've just used my business credit card."

"Andwae, I insist."

"Ahh, I almost forgot. You must prepare a speech. Did you assistant write one for you already? You know what, I'll help you write one." Yejin exclaimed.

Bin was just looking lovingly into her eyes, feeling mixed emotions.

He knew that Yejin was excited because it's been quite a while since she attended an award ceremony or greeted her fans this way. Previously, she had turned down almost all scripts and events because she just wanted to prioritise our family.

As Yejin got carried away, planning his outfit and his speech, Bin stopped her and gave her a hug.

"Yejin-ah, after this baby comes out, I want you to go chase after your dreams again."

"Bin-ssi, it's okay, I don't-"

Cutting her off halfway, " No buts, I will take care of both the kids. I want to see Actress Son Ye Jin, shinning on the big screen again, attending events and award shows."

"I know how much you wanted to take on some projects but stopped yourself because of our family. I will fully support you from behind and I know Ji eun and our little baby will too." He added.

"I love you. I don't want you to ever feel like you are neglecting us by doing what makes you feel happy and alive." He went on.

"Yah..Bin-ssi. You're making me cry again." Yejin replied, playfully hitting his broad back.

"Thank you, Love." She felt a lost of words, incredibly touched by his words and thankful that she picked the right man.

"If I take on another project, that means you can't. Are you okay with that?" Yejin finally asked.

"Of course baby, I will take both of our precious babies to visit you on set. How cute would that be!" Bin enthusiastically replied.

"Besides, I can focus on VAST which is something I've wanted to work harder on. Your husband won't be jobless, I promise" Bin chuckled.

"Maybe you should go jobless for awhile, so I can finally provide for our family financially."

Call Bin old fashioned but he has always insisted that he pays all the bills. Since a young age, his parents has taught him that a man should be the one who provides for the family financially and not let his woman worry about it.

Fortunately, it's true that both of them earn a lot due to their hard work, starting from their early days and of course their other businesses and investments outside of acting so money was never a problem.

"What did I do to deserve you, Bin-ssi."

"No, I'm the lucky one. The biggest blessing of my entire lifetime is falling in love with you, my queen."


hey guys! i hope you enjoy this sweet sweet chapter. let's all cross our fingers that we will hear good news from them soon! meanwhile, let's do all we can to support them. i hope everyone is doing well and is healthy! stay safe🤍

see you in the next chapter xx

A New Life Together : BinJinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن