It's too early

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Nick POV

When I woke up this morning, I found the bed empty. Eli always waited for me to wake up, kiss me then leave. Like routine now, I always got my morning kiss. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Eli sat on the sofa drawing in his sketchbook.

His eyes stayed on the book while I watched him with a small smile. When he looked up, a small smile formed on his face. He put the book and pencil down and came over to me.

"Morning." He bent down and caught my lips in a slow passionate kiss.

"Hmmm, morning." I pecked his lips before he moved away.

"Lex has breakfast downstairs. It's healthy for you." Eli sighed and walked over to the bathroom.

He's still a upset with me from our disagreement last week but still stays with me. As a habit I've started playing with my wedding ring which I've been doing since I got pregnant.

"For me and the baby." I sighed as well. Why can't he just say it, we're having a baby and he treats it like it's a alien or something.

"No I don't. I treat it how it is." Eli growled.

"Stay out of my head." I glared at him.

"Go get breakfast nick." Was all Eli said before going into the bathroom. I huffed and got up. I placed a hand under my bump like I've been doing ever since I've got a big bump. A smile forms when I feel the baby kick and moved around.

Instead of going downstairs I quickly undressed myself and quietly went into the bathroom. Eli stood with his back to the door so he couldn't see me walk in. I opened the door and hugged him from behind.

Eli's hands rubbed my arms around his torso and breathed heavily through his nose.

"I'm sorry." Eli mumbled.

"What for?" I pecked his back.

"For being a wanker." He sighed. "For not looking after you like I should have instead I've been ignoring it. Baby I just don't want to lose you, I can't lose you. Not just yet."

Eli turned around and I hugged him. His arms went over my shoulders and mine stayed wrapped around his torso. I rested my forehead on his shoulder and kissed his chest.

"You won't lose me. Not yet anyway. Not for a long while." I told him.

"How do you have so much hope that you'll live through this?" He asked laying his head on top of mine.

"Because I have faith. I know I can do this and be ok. We'll be ok, Eli. Me and possibly a little Elijah." I smiled. "The baby's kicking."

He nodded but kept his head on mine. I sighed knowing he wouldn't want to feel our baby even if I did tell him. That's all I get is a nod and nothing more.

After a while, I felt Eli place a hand on my bump, his other keeping me close to him. Not long after he placed his hand down, our baby kicked him roughly. I could see his lips curl up in the corners a little before it falters.

"That's so weird." He smiled a little.

"What?" I giggled at his concentration face.

"Nothing, love. Just something strange that's all." He chuckled a little.

"Come on. Tell me. What is it?" I asked.

"I can hear his thoughts." Eli smiled. "It's so weird. He likes it when you talk. He likes Darren's voice as well."

"How can you do that?"

"I don't know but I can. Speak more, he likes it."

"What am I supposed to say?" I giggled. "Hello beautiful baby, I can't wait to meet you." I looked down at my bump.

After an hour of smiling and laughing in the shower, Eli and I finally got out.

"What were you drawing?" I asked him while we walked out of the room.

"Not much. Just something to pass the time until you woke up." He replied. I nodded and we carried on walking downstairs. We both went our separate ways, Eli into the living room and me in the kitchen.

"Morning." Lexi and Hannah smiled at me.

"Morning." I smiled back and sat down. "Ah." I winced my hand shooting to my bump.

"You ok?" The girls looked and came over to me.

I nodded and took deep breaths until the pain passed. "I'm ok."

"What was that?" Hannah asked.

"I don't know. Maybe braxton hicks?" I breathed out.

"What are they?" Lexi frowned with Hannah.

"Practice contractions. Like it tells me what the real thing would be like only with the baby coming contractions are more painful." I told them. They nodded and left me alone to eat.

Once I finished my breakfast, I went into the living room and saw everyone sat on the sofas. Wanting to be close to Eli, I walked over to him and straddled his lap. His arms wrapped around me as he still played on his phone.

"You ok?" He whispered in my ear.

"Yeah. Just want to be close to you." I told him.

"Alright. I love you." Eli kissed my head.

"I love you to." I sat up and kissed him properly.

When I pulled away I got another pain and squeezed Eli's shoulders. His phone dropped on the floor so he could hold me.

"Nick." Eli looked at me worriedly.

"Sorry, braxton hicks." I smiled a little. That was until another pain came only to hurt more than the last. Then I felt water go on me and Eli.

"That's not braxton hicks." Carl said and stood up. "Darren go get an incubator from Daniel. Hannah get hot water and towels, Lex you get cold water and a flannel. Brandon go set up Eli's bed, all sheets on the floor and make the pillows so he can sit up. Eli help me get nick upstairs."

Everyone ran off to get what they were told to while Carl and Eli helped me up to our room. Once there they laid me down and took off my pyjama trousers.

"How long have you been getting these pains?" Carl asked me. Hannah came in with towels and let Carl at them beneath me.

"He can't come yet. It's too early." I cried out.

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