Holy Light

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When the light faded out I found myself overlooking a strange battle.

It was between two factions that I had not seen before and the Sirens. There was a very human commander standing on the side of the Sirens with strange riggings that resembled those of the foreign girls. The Sirens looked like they had him on puppet strings from the looks of it.

"That's also me?"

"That's you. In this universe you were turned crazy by the Sirens. Here, you manage to survive, but just barely against this assault."

The final battle was upon everyone, and Andre watches in trepidation as the girls engage a brainwashed Jacque.

"Please, bring him back, alive." Andre silently prays as the many on one fight rages on.

"What in the world?!" Jean Bart shouts as she attempts to stab Jacque in an attempt to immobilize him, only for the crazed commander to grab ahold of her flag and take it for himself, spinning it around and pointing it at everyone like some sort of barbarian. "Look out!"

"Whoa!" Richelieu yells as she just manages to avoid Jacque's stabs, but one of them nearly puts a hole in her dress. "Take this!" She shouts as she swings her scepter and manages to bash Jacque's head in with it. Unfortunately this barely fazes him as he proceeds to bum rush the Iris battleship, stunning her, before picking her up and throwing her at her sister! "OOF!"

"Agh... That hurt... You'll have to fight without us!" Jean Bart calls out as Bismarck and Jacque become locked in a fight of their own.

"You're going down!" Bismarck yells as she attempts to shish kabob Jacque, but he's evading all of her jabs- and dishing out just as many. Eventually the berserk commander throws the flag like a javelin, driving itself into Bismarck's foot! "SCHEISSE!"

"Bismarck!" U-556 shouts as she surfaces to aid her ally.

"Ach... Mein rudder..." Bismarck says through clenched teeth. "You'll have to go on without me... 556... Help me get this out..."

"I'll help you." Jean Bart says as Algerie and Emile both charge at Jacque while the twin destroyers cover his rear.

"You're surrounded and without a weapon! It's over!" Algerie yells, but once again without a word Jacque pulls out his saber and it begins glowing with a strange light. Jacque then proceeds to drive his blade into the water, creating a shockwave that sends all four ships flying, and they land a good kilometer away, leaving only Dunkerque to fight her lover.

"I have no choice..." Dunkerque mumbles as she pulls out her saber and charges at Jacque. "I'll be the one to bring you back, even if I have to die for it!" She yells, and upon Jacque seeing Dunkerque charging at him, he shows shock before barely blocking one of her slashes.

"Did... Did he just flinch?!" Jean Bart asks as she witnesses the heated duel. "I don't believe it!"

"Hey... Help get this out of my foot will you?" Bismarck groans.

"Whoops, sorry." Jean Bart replies sheepishly as she continues to help get the spear tip out of Bismarck's foot. Meanwhile with Jacque and Dunkerque...

"HAH!" Dunkerque yells as she begins overpowering Jacque, putting her engines into overdrive. Each slash that Jacque blocks is met with an even harder slash from the battlecruiser, and it's slowly but surely starting to tire out the commander as his moves become more and more sloppy. Finally, Dunkerque manages to land the hardest slash she can muster, and the sheer force utterly shatters Jacque's blade, along with her own. Jacque reels back, astonished, and the battlecruiser then charges. The girls can only watch as Jacque attempts to flee, but Dunkerque then knocks the commander onto his face. He then attempts to crawl away, but Dunkerque has planned ahead, stepping on his back and stopping him before she proceeds to hoist Jacque onto his feet, and grab him by the collar.

"What the?! Dunkerque! What are you-" Jean Bart cuts herself off.

"Snap out of it Jacque! The sirens have brainwashed you! Remember who your true allies are! Remember me!" Dunkerque screams before she violently headbutts Jacque, knocking him out on the spot.

"Damn... Never thought that would happen. I think I need a little break."


What is Shinano going on about?

"There's one more that I've sensed... You must see this... It will unlock the truth."

"The truth?"

I was suddenly blinded.

Petals of Soliloquy: Distant EchoesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz