When You Save Him? Leonardo

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*I thought i would update because it is snowing heavily here and so i'm stuck at home with a project on abortion for ethics and thought 'Hey why not update for my lovely fans' so here we are, hope you enjoy this chapter and can't wait for your comments and votes - Bye*

It had been over a month since you had seen the giant turtle Leonardo and you were starting to wonder whether or not you had just dreamt him, because you sat up nearly every night to see if you could see him. Nothing.
There had been no sightings, not a single thing, not even a flash in the moonlight.

You sighed as you washed the dishes after the lasagne you had cooked for yourself, the rest of it was in the fridge which you could have for lunch the next day. You were listening to one of your favourite radio station and jamming to (F/S) whilst washing your plate and glass.

It was then you heard noises, crashes and groans in pain, you turned off all the lights in the apartment in case any unwanted house guests decided to pay you a visit. You looked out of your bedroom window and stared.
There, holding what seemed to be twin swords, bleeding from his right arm was the blue masked turtle Leonardo, opposite you saw the woman who had threatened to kill you. You couldn’t make out the voices so you opened the window very, very quietly and heard the conversation.

“I will kill you Leonardo and then where would your brothers’ be without you, they would be joining your father and you in the pits of hell,” the woman spat.
“You leave my family out of this Karai,” he snarled.
‘Family’ you thought to yourself, you didn’t realise he had a family of his own. You heard his yell as the woman; Karai sliced his shoulder and knocked him down, but he wouldn’t be defeated by her, he dodged several of her attacks and gave his own.
She fell to her knees before him and you thought he had won, you really wanted to cheer him, but something happened, she threw smoke into his eyes and kicked him down, watching him slam into a wall causing the apartments to shake a little at the weight of him colliding to the building.
Leonardo didn’t move, the woman smiled before running up the fire escape, you hid under your bed and saw Karai’s figure in the moonlight as she stood on your fire escape. You prayed to God that she didn’t notice the window was open and that you were hiding under the bed. She left and you gave it another two minutes before opening your windows outwards fully and rushed down the fire escape.

The turtle in blue was bleeding heavily from his slice in the shoulder, but his heart beat was strong and so you heaved him into your room, thank god it was only on the second floor and so you wouldn’t kill yourself heaving him into your apartment.
You lay him on your bed, shutting the windows and pulling the curtains across and switching the bed side lamp on. His features were well defined, even in the shallow light; you removed his swords and other sharp weapons without hurting yourself or him further. With his weapons leaning against your chest of drawers, you grabbed the first aid kit and started tending to his wounds. You removed the rest of his gear and folded it neatly before starting to stitch his deep wounds and cleaned the others and applying gauze bandages to all his injuries and you hoped he would be alright.
However, in the middle of the night, a fever rose, spiking his regular temperature, you sat with him until the early morning, wiping his brow and keeping him cool, you calmed him through his nightmares and sang quietly to him. That used to work for your siblings when they were sick and when your parents were working; he settled back into the drenched pillow as you moved the cold cloth to his arms, careful around his wounds.

Thankfully the fever broke at around 0730 the next morning and so you sighed and hoped he would he would be alright for a few minutes whilst you drank another Energy Drink. You had had nearly half a dozen to keep you awake through the night so you could tend to Leonardo. You wandered back into your bedroom which looked like a scene out of a hospital, patient on the bed wrapped in bandages and gauze, a cold rag draped on his forehead. He groaned in pain and you sat by his side and held his hand and rode the wave of pain out with him, mainly because you daren’t give him anything in case it made him worse and anyway your family’s medical healing medication was doing wonders for him.
You were dozing when he started moving and you opened your eyes and were met with his baby blue ones as he stared back at you in sheer panic.

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