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🎶I'm all dressed up in my finest attitude,Pretending I don't care,Guess I really messed up trying to be two,When only one heart can be there,Why can't I be just what I am,And speak my love withut any shame,Why can't she see what I am,Is a costumed fool trapped in a tragic game,Charades and pretty lies,They hide what's deep inside me,Charades do disguise,All the love I keep inside me,Charades can't see me,But can you feel the real me,The real me behind my Charades,Oh Please don't mind me,Performing at my hardest,As I paint upon the air,You won't find me,Cause it's a portrait of the artist,As a man who isn't there,Charades and pretty lies,They hide what's deep inside me,Charades do disguise,All the love I keep inside me,Charades can't see me,But can you feel the real me,The real me behind my charades.Can't you feel the real me,Behind my charades,Have I lost the real me,Behind my charades🎶

  I am waiting outside for the Cool Rider with Stephanie and soon he approaches us but then the Tbirds approach in their Motorcycle's.

CR:I'll be back.

   He puts a finger under my chin and drives off.

Goose:Johnny It's that guy.

Johnny:This time we get him Lara.

Lara,Stephanie:Johnny no!.

The T-Birds drive off.


The Pink Ladies arrive in their car.

Stephanie:Rhonda!.Rhonda.Rhonda go.They're going to kill him.

Me and Stephanie hop into the car.

Rhonda:Who's killing who?...Open the door. Move over.

  Me and Stephanie hop into the car my heart racing.

Pinks:Where are we going?.

Lara:I don't know just go!.Follow the T-Birds!.

We start screaming at Rhonda's driving.


Lara:Oh my God!.

Sharon:We're gonna die and I'm wearing
my mother's underwear!.

Rhonda:Lar where are we going?.

Lara:I don't know.Just follow em!.

Rhonda:Here they come!.

  Soon Me and the girls arrive at a construction sight and only see the T-Birds.I Quickley get out of the car.I run over to the dead end ditch...I look at Johnny.

Lara:Where is he?.

   Louis stands by me looking then turns to Johnny.

Louis:He ain't down there.

Johnny:What do you mean he ain't down there?.Where'd he go?.Biker Heaven?.

Lara:"Cries".H-he's dead.

Johnny:Yeah well it's obvious.He made the jump.I could do that.

Goose:Yeah you could jump that Johnny.

Johnny:Let's go.

Lara:"Cries".And I'll never see him again.

Johnny:Come on!.

Lara:What have I done?.

Sharon:Nothing Lara.

Paulette:He'll be okay.

Stephanie:Lar nobody rides like him.

Sharon:There's nothing even down there.

Paulette:Come on we gotta get outta here.You can't stay here.

Who's That Cool Rider?. | Grease 2 fanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant