You were about to fall asleep with music on but you get notification from Instagram

AylaTeslerMabe has dm'ed you


Hey Mariah! How's it been?

Not so good actually

What happened?!

Well a while back me and my
siblings got evicted and Finn
insisted us to stay, and we
did then weeks pass and his
best friend asked me out and
   then Finn got mad cause he
liked me but I didn't know
so he started ignoring me,
   then Wyatt started ignoring
me and I cut myself ending
up in the hospital, Finn
apologized for ignoring me
and Wyatt explained why he
was ignoring me and Millie
got a call saying we are
staying in Long Island for a
week, we all hung out till
Finn went out and met a girl
who was Wyatts EX
girlfriend who called me a
slut, then they started
dating and Finn invited her
on the trip and now we are
here on the plane going
to Long Island with Finn
ignoring me again.

Holy shit.


We should definitely hang!
I'll cheer ya up, maybe we
could get some drinks since
I'm in Long Island for a while
Performing on stage for my

Sure! Cant wait

Alr, I'll talk to ya later!
Read 2:34

You put music on your airpods and fall asleep


You wake up to Wyatt shaking you lightly

"Mariah wake up, we're here" Wyatt says.

"Okay" you say softly.

You turn off your music, and take out all your stuff

You walk off the plane and see..Ayla.

She runs over to you

"Hey girl!" Ayla says.

"Hey" you say.

"Alr if you don't have a place to stay, you can stay with me" Ayla says.

"As much as I really want to, Millie invited us to her house here, you should come" You say.

"Alr let's go" she says while putting her hand over your shoulders.

"Hey Ayla, what are you doing here?" Finn asks.

"Im here, in Long Island for my band and I'm here hanging with Mariah" Ayla says raising her tone.

"Bee, we should head to the cab me, you and Ellie are going in the same cab" josh says.

"Ok! I'll be there in a sec and Aylas coming" you say.

Ellie nods her head then grabs your stuff and goes in the cab with josh

"Who's this, bub?" Michelle asks Finn.

"It's Ayla, my old band mate" Finn says.

"Old?!" You and Ayla say at the same time.

"Yea, Ayla Im out the band sorry" Finn says.

"You kidding right?" Ayla asks.

Finn stares at her seriously

"Well you and your little gIRlFriEnd can suck a dick! Come on bee or must I say BAMBI" Ayla says while walking away.

You and Finn are standing there in shock while Michelle is standing there very confused, you look at Finn angrily and say

"You always tend to ruin friendships, DONT YOU" then you walk away with Ayla and put your hand around her shoulder

Finn is shocked when Ayla called you bambi and because you yelled at him, then he gets upset and you notice

You all get to the house and see everyone in the pool

"Hey guys! Ima join ya I'll be out in a sec, c'mon Ayla I'll let you borrow one of my swim suits to get in the pool if ya want?" You say.

"Sure! I'm comin" Ayla says.

You let Ayla borrow a swim suit and she goes to another room to change

You are changing in the swim suit until Wyatt comes in your room...

"HOLY SHIT IM SORRY!" Wyatt yells.

"It's fine just stay, close the door" you say.

Wyatt closes the door and walks to the bed to sit

You walk over to him, covering you breast and sit down

"hey it's ok" you say while going in for a kiss.

You guys start making out

And Wyatt puts his arms around your waist

Wyatt pulls away and takes off his shirt then goes back to kiss you

You start to under his belt while he is removing the bottom half of your swim suit

Now that you are completely naked and Wyatt is only in his underwear he flips you over

Wyatt is now on top of you

He kisses you jawline going down to your neck then down to your chest, stomach and v line

He starts to lick your clit, making you moan very softly and low

Then he starts to eat you out

"Oh fuck! *moan*" you say.

Wyatt puts his fingers in your mouth to make you be quiet

You get up and kiss him, slowly flipping him over

You get on top of him and slowly make your way down to his underwear, you pull em down and grab his member

You start licking and sucking it

"Fuck! Mariah *moan*" Wyatt says

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