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The feeling of unease sweeps through me as the bartender confidently walks away to serve a crowd of scantily clad women. I slip my phone in my pocket and leave the bar to search for Brit. 

"Watch it!" A girl hisses as I accidently bump into her, still searching the room for a gaze that I'm not sure I will recognize. The mans image from tinder flashes to my mind, giving me a shiver of unease. 

I look at the girl to apologize, but the air leaves my lungs as I catch a look at the girl in front of me. 

"Mia..." The girl in front of me has striking blue eyes, blond straight hair, and is sixteen. 

My sisters eye's widen at the realization that her older sister just caught her.

"Piper... Hey!" Her face is smiling, but her eyes have widened and she looks like she just got busted. Because she did. "What are you doing here?" She asks me, looking around the club and avoiding eye contact.

"I was going to ask you the same thing." I deadpanned. "Mia, your sixteen!" My voice has risen and a few clubgoers glance over at us with curious expressions.

She worriedly glances around and grabs my arm, "what the heck!" She hisses at me, moving me over to a less crowded area. 

We end up near one of the hanging cages and a women inside is peering at us, raising her shackles and putting on a show. The lights reflect off her leather ensemble and she smiles a slow hypnotizing smile. 

I glance away from the women in the cage, my face heating up, embarrassed at being caught looking at her. 

"Mia, you need to leave. How did you even get in here?" I ask my youngest sister, startled and a little pissed that she was here. That's when I notice that she has on a very short, very clingy silver dress that leaves little to the imagination. "And what are you wearing?"

She glances down at her outfit as if she forgot that she had it on. "Oh this old thing." She grins at me, but the look on my face is not moved. My sister sighs in exasperation and rolls her eyes, "Piper, look, I know that you probably think that I shouldn't be here, but its fine! Really, you don't need to worry, I'm here all the time. It's not a big deal."

I look at her in shock, "No big deal?" What in the world is the matter with her! I know that I haven't seen much of her since I was away at college, but I don't remember her having such an attitude. This is a drastic change from when she was little, she has always been a bit of a drama queen, but nothing like this. 

She rolls her eyes, "its not. I come here all the time."

Now I understand why she hasn't been home in the last week. I've probably only seen her twice since I've been back, always saying she is going to a friends.

"Mia, you are sixteen! When I was sixteen I was reading books and having sleepovers! Not out galivanting in shady clubs, illegally-- I might add." My gaze narrows on her. What if she gets caught? 

"Yeah, I know, when you were sixteen." She sniggers, looking me up and down with an amused expression, almost like she is making fun of me.

"Exact- wait, why do you say it like that?" I narrow my eyes at her, not liking her tone. 

"Piper, we are different people entirely. You like stuff like books and you know, boring stuff. I like dancing, and partying, and meeting cute guys. We may have the same parents and look slightly alike, but that's where our similarities die." She says, smiling at a guy that passed by, giving him a flirtatious wave.

I stare at my sister. "You think I'm boring?" What the hell. At this moment I feel my anger rising, but also a feeling in the pit of my stomach. Am I boring?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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