~*Uh Oh*~

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Hey guys! I finally updated this story, and I have some POV since I got so many requests^.^ I'm also updating Pausing the Rain, Run Ballerina Run, and Let Go Of Me soon, so look out!


Sunlight streamed through my curtains, and I found a beautiful red bedhead facing me. His eyes were shut, and his lips were slightly parted. Usually people looked younger when they slept, but he just looked mature. The pure white room reflected the sun, making it seem like heaven. Correction; this is heaven. I couldn't help the smile that crossed my lips as he said my name. 'Nyx....' My heart thudded and I knew I was one of the lucky ones. Bright green eyes fluttered open as a smile made his eyes crinkle at the sides. He playfully pulled me closer.

"You're mine now."

His voice echoed in my ears and I was happy... So happy...

But that was then, and this was now. My sweet dream didn't last long enough. I needed more.  My arms encircled my chest, and my fingers began digging into my arms. Squeezing my eyes shut, I urged the dream to come back. Just one more time, please!

A cool hand placed itself ontop of mine. Maybe that wasn't a dream. Maybe everything was a dream, and when I turn, I'll see that red hair again, and I'll tell him about my nightmares of marriage, deceit, and kidnapping and he will hold me and tell me it was all a bad dream.

"Darling, you're going to leave bruises if you keep doing that."

That silky voice trespassed my ears, and I knew I couldn't delude myself any longer. I open my eyes and turn to see Vincent and his freaky eyes glowing into mine. I'm afraid I'm never going to see that red bedhead beside me ever again.

Carefully un curling my fingers from my arms, I slid my legs over to the side of the bed. I saw I was only wearing a button down shirt that came a little higher than midthigh. When did that happen?

Over my shoulder Vincent was giving me that Cheshire grin, and all I could think about was his hands touching me, changing my clothes while I was unconcious. Why was I unconcious again? Oh, right. My gaze whipped to the floor, but the body and the blood was gone. A new rug was put in, and to match it, the whole room had been redecorated. Who does that?

A pinch of pain hit me, and echoed into searing heat in my abdomen. I felt like my skin was about to burst. Someone was behind me, holding my belly. As soon as the pain had came, it had stopped. My breathing had become ragged, but I was okay. A slight giggle reminded me of who I was with. Falling to the floor, I pushed myself across the rug, distancing myelf from him. He was in his oversized coat that covered his hands.

He probably wears that because of all the blood on his hands. The thought popped into my head, but I couldn't stifle my quick laugh. It really wasn't that funny, but for some reason my quick laugh advanced to a uproar, and tears began rolling out of my eyes. Maybe I just wanted to laugh, I don't know, but afterwards, when I had mostly composed myself, I felt that my face was warm and red, eyes were a bit watery, but overall I felt a little better. Vincent's eyes were wide, but he seemed quite amused for the most part. A tear rolled down my face, and my tongue flicked out to grab it. It was a wierd habit of mine.

Vincent's hands clasped together and his face contorted into a happy smile of a child. It was pretty freaky.

"Now, we begin the fun! Fun, fun, fun."

I swear I know that voice from somewhere. But where?

Before I could think anymore, his hand clasped around my small one and pulled me off the ground in a fluid tug. Now was my chance to get away right? He was the only with me right now, and though he beat me last time-

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