Chapter 4: The South

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Izuku was asleep when his jet plane landed on the US airport. The news of Her Majesty Queen Inko is the most popular tabloids right now. News reporters and photographers swarm the airport gates and entrances, hoping to get a picture of the queen who has not made an appearance since twelve years ago. 

Freiser was tasked to wake the sleeping prince while Moon was handling the luggage. 

now that Izuku's awake the blonde guard just have a last request for the prince. He took the shades and packed mask out of his pocket and gave it to the greenette. 

"Your Grace, please wear this shades and face mask. We don't want you to be crowded by reporters anytime soon." Freiser said. 

Izuku took the shades and mask and gave a sheepy smile. He couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with his guards, whom he would always be with, calling him 'Your Grace' or 'Your Royal Highness' so he ended up saying something about that.

"uhmm.. Freiser?"

Freiser looked at Izuku intently showig he was listening.

"Could we please refrain from calling me 'Your Grace'?" 

"But that would be disrespectful Your Grace."

"I know, but I want something more casual, it's too formal for someone who stays near me twenty four seven. Just something like 'Prince' is fine. It's a lot more casual and tones down the formalities a lot, but its just the same but I mean you kno-" the greenette didn't get to finish his words as Freiser  noticed that the prince was in a panic.

so he bowed to take Izuku's attention and cut him off. 

"Prince, we should be going now. According to moon your brother brought a whole ruckus here."

Izuku smiled widely as he heard how Freiser addressed him and how his brother is here.

Once at the exit he saw all reporters and photographers are focused on his mom and Zuko who was hugging their mom. While the broccoli was lead  to a black car fast, But little did they know a photographer had thought ahead. If the Queen is here, Surely the prince will have to come back. He spotted the Prince as he could tell from the hair same as the Queen's.

After a few minutes of waiting at the car, The car door opened and revealed.. "Zuko!" Izuku exclaimed and immediately pulled his brother in a hug. Zuko the hugged his brother back and giving a soft whisper in the greenette's ear. "finally".

Zuko was actually there not only to surprise her brother but also remind him of some rules and tell a bit of the history. 

"Izuku, I know the rules state that we're not supposed to be in the same vehicle but dad made an exception in exchange for more papers to work on to" Zuko said as he was crying inside.

"Uhmm.. Zuko, whats's with the rule? I-I mean it's purpose..?" the little brother asked,

"If an accident or one of the vehicles are targeted then there will be someone left to be in line on the throne." The older one answered which gave a look of satisfaction on Izuku.

"Well now to the History. Midoriya is actually the hidden surname of the Royal Family, Izuku Great grandfather married to the family and gave him the title as King, but it is insisted that Allencount was to be kept in the name since it's the original name of the bloodline. This is also the reason why we have Japanese culture." Zuko said with a lot of interest.

'He must've loved history' Izuku thought as he chuckled at his brother's excitement. "What about the South Zuko?, I'm still confused at that part." the green head prince asked.

"Oh you mean our land. North and South Americans are different, while the North has a president the South have us. While being famous, we hide behind the heavy scandals of the politics of the North and the Britain's Royal Family news. We are more discrete than them and careful. Though I may have made some dating scandals while hanging out with friends. Reporters keep assuming I'm looking for a Queen since they put their bets on me to be on the throne. Even dad is happy about those scandals!"

Izuku burst out laughing and caught the attention of the dirty blonde. Zuko smirked at the sight then just laughed along.

The ride was full of talk and jokes. After a two hour ride they arrived at the castle at the same time as their mom. Freiser and Moon were about to carry Izuku's bags but the prince beat them to it by using his Telekinesis quirk, same goes for the queen as Zuko lead them in the castle. 

The castle was nothing Izuku thought it would be. He imagined grey rocks as walls and those stuff from medieval movies but it was quite modern themed. It's not the tallest among castles but it consumes a vast area. 

Izuku couldn't help but have stars in his eyes. "Wow! Its so cool!!" He said while shaking Zuko's arms. maids and butlers tried their best to refrain from complimenting awes and giggling at how the younger brother is. Even though the King and First Duke or Prince was laid back in general like Obama, they still have to maintain proper acts in front of the family. 

As Izuku and Inko are being guided to the King Office quarters Zuko was catching up with their mom and Izuku was being toured by Gus. 

surprisingly Gus was a 20 year old redhead with longhair tied in a ponytail. He says he was trained by his father the last Castle steward since he was five so now he was professional and deals with the King and Prince. He just sorta came out like an older brother. His uniform is different from the butlers. And his Quirk is 'Arrange intuition' basically he's good at arranging all kinds of stuff than a normal person could. This includes schedules, time, and events, perfect for the job. It runs in his family, that's why their bloodline always took the job as the castle steward. Apparently he is allowed to call us without any formalities as he would be taking care of us like family. 'He reminds me of Kirishima' Izuku thought to himself.

"We're here" Gus said as he bowed and pointed his arms at entrance. There was no doors, but only glass frames, it was a pretty long hall away from the noise outside. And waiting there was a man. Brunette but most are covered in black hair, a maroon coat on his shoulder and a business suit underneath, along with a maroon neck tie and a Royal crest that obviously shows his title. Standing proud and smiling. 

"Welcome Home!" The man said with a soft smile and open arms.

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